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You certainly have a ... way with words.

Are you arguing for eugenics, transhumanism or both?

If I understand you correctly (and I'm not sure I do), you believe that prey animals only don't kill/expell the weak because doing so would attract predators to them and that if we all were genetically superior, we would be "able to" do that and that governments/religion undermines that by giving power to the (presumably inferior) majority and suppress a (presumably superior) underclass and that is stunting our development somehow (presumably only more recently given the massive scientific progress in the past century, so the societal decline would have to have become noticeable only in the recent decades or so)?

I'm trying to steelman your argument as best I can but I'm not even sure I read all of that correctly. If that is what you mean, you're using a lot of words to say "postmodern degeneracy is holding the human race back and we should kill the weak instead of comforting them".

Are you sure this isn't a bot that is merely responding to the headline? The comment has almost nothing to do with the article text.

Look at the comment history.

"If the headline was "German bombers drop smart anti-infrastructure water-bombletts into thames \ blitz getting more expensive by the day \ pratchett fans cheer for modern Ankh Morpork" it would describe a similar situation, without the disney googles and nobody would celebrate it.

Ankh Morpork is a Disc World reference that has nothing to do with German bombers or disney or google.

It could be a bird, it could be a plane, but I think your interpretation is about right. It's Nietzsche's Superman soaring out and about!

Sounds like Nietzschean slave mentality.

It’s like reading the back of the “Dr. Bronner’s Soap” label. I get what the guy is saying but he’s said it in a way that’s so unappealing I’d rather not care.

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