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LinkedIn accidentally “liking” things for me?
4 points by meter on April 18, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Over the past few months, I’ve noticed a bunch of unexpected “likes” on my account. In my entire history on LinkedIn, I’ve quite literally never clicked the like button (intentionally, at least). Yet for some reason, I’m consistently seeing a couple posts per week that I’ve supposedly liked. The posts are completely random things, most of which I’ve never even seen before. And the likes appear on my public profile for everyone else to see.

My first instinct is that it’s a UI/UX issue. Specifically, I think my thumb might be grazing the like button as I scroll.

I’m tempted to think it’s a more nefarious variation of my instinct above (e.g. a subtle UI/UX decision designed to increase engagement on the platform). But I know that’s unfair (don’t attribute to malice, etc).

Considering I’ve never experienced this type of issue on other social media sites, I thought I’d bring it up. Has anyone else noticed this behavior, specifically on LinkedIn?

Edit: spelling

Yes, I'm quite certain it happens accidentally during phone scrolling (in fact, I have seen it happen while scrolling). It's certainly bad UX, but considering I haven't seen such UI sensitivity elsewhere, part of me wonders how intentional that is. I don't believe likes are entirely made up by LinkedIn, though.

Ux issue. I've had the same thing happen, including an ad being clicked that shared my personal data.

I got robo-calls because of this for a year.

Yes, I had to frequently check my profile and removed such accidental likes. After a while I just deleted the LinkedIn app and stopped using browsing LI in the mobile browser altogether.

Yes, several times. I don't trust Microsoft or PMs trying to increase metrics.

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