A lot of the so-called Vlang controversy appears to have been disguised allegiance and competition between the newer languages. Looks more like various people defending their interests. Languages like Odin, Zig, Nim, Crystal are far older than Vlang. When Vlang came along and got a lot of sudden popularity and funding, looks like various competitors sought to bash it and hoped it would disappear.
In addition, such detractors were acting like a brand new programming language would be a finished polished product from day 1, when that was not the case for their far older languages. For instance, Odin and Crystal are older than Vlang, but has been surpassed by it in various respects.
And don't get me wrong, I like Odin. That's because Odin is among the newer breed of languages that have continued the trend in which Go started of non class-based OOP and more generalized OO, that are contenders to be alternatives to C/C++ (like Zig).
In the case of Vlang, it has clearly been developing rapidly and consistently, and continually gaining in popularity. Simply looking at their releases (and release schedule) along with their documentation (which various newer contenders are lacking in even that), will show a lot of the controversy is without merit or distortions of language development reality.
It doesn’t help that plenty of claims on the V website was simply ridiculous, like transpiling C to V and making it memory safe (or some insane compile speed claim transpiling Doom, if I remember well?). Also, memory safe without a runtime and without a rust-like borrow-checker.. these are simply impossible lies. Not sure about its current state, hopefully these are all removed and the sane claims are in progress.
It is better to actually use the language, particularly as it is presently, versus refer to old disputable controversies from years ago. There are no false claims on their website (in my opinion), though of course there will be things people can dispute and argue about, as there is with all developing programming languages.
If a person does their research, then they would have clarity on the subjects. This is partly why I think it is better to refer people to the website or advise them to do their own evaluation, as oppose to reference critics or 3rd party websites who may have hidden motives and are advocates for a competing language. I think the competition between the newer languages has come to that point.
Are you sure about this? Let's look at their first feature, "No null". Ironically every vlang project including compiler itself is full of `isnil`[0] check.
This is just trailer for their lies; once start digging you'd find misrepresentation in every major features they advertise.
Then could you please tell me the actual memory model of the language? Because that is the numero uno thing I want to know about a language, yet I constantly read contradicting thing on vlang’s model. (Is it boehm gc?)
Vlang has multiple methods of optional memory management. This should not be so hard to grasp, as this is the case for other languages too. Take Nim, for example. It has several: gc:refc, gc:markAndSweep, gc:boehm, gc:go, gc:arc, etc...
Vlang has both the options of Autofree and GC, or you can do it manually. As the language is still developing (like other languages such as Crystal, Odin, and Zig), users should know these memory management options are experimental and still being refined.
In addition, such detractors were acting like a brand new programming language would be a finished polished product from day 1, when that was not the case for their far older languages. For instance, Odin and Crystal are older than Vlang, but has been surpassed by it in various respects.
And don't get me wrong, I like Odin. That's because Odin is among the newer breed of languages that have continued the trend in which Go started of non class-based OOP and more generalized OO, that are contenders to be alternatives to C/C++ (like Zig).
In the case of Vlang, it has clearly been developing rapidly and consistently, and continually gaining in popularity. Simply looking at their releases (and release schedule) along with their documentation (which various newer contenders are lacking in even that), will show a lot of the controversy is without merit or distortions of language development reality.
https://github.com/vlang/v/releases https://github.com/vlang/v/blob/master/doc/docs.md https://modules.vlang.io/