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We launch today. To thank HN we buried easter eggs (discounts) around the site. (midtownrow.com)
12 points by akashs on Oct 12, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Please take this as constructive advice, but I initially thought your site was selling designer cookies. This got me excited. Then the second line lead me to think that you're also selling designer coffee. Just keeps getting better.

Then the third line destroys the enthusiasm of my tastebuds by declaring some sort of generic shopping site copy. WTF? Were the cookies a lie?

At the end, I have no idea what your site does, have no inclination to dig further, and already have a means to "discover the latest brands" -- it's called Facebook.

On the plus side, I really like your visual design. Now if only you had told me in those three sentences why it would be worthwhile for me to stick around on your site, I wouldn't be adding to your bounce rate.

All the best.

Agreed on the cookies. That was my first thought as well.

Also, nitpicking here, but for (at least some) New Yorkers it is confusing for a site called Midtown Row to open with a giant image of a prominent SoHo intersection.

Edit - the page you linked to has that image. Didn't notice I wasn't on the index.

checkout their index page, does a great job of conveying what the site does. No idea why OP linked to that page. Your designer cookies are on there:


I didn't find this anywhere on the webpage, but I assume that this is a USA only service, so no cookies for me.

The whole thing looks attractive, though. Points for prettiness :P

Coffee that really is "the best part of waking up."

Any copy that alludes to Folgers is going to be a turn-off to coffee snobs :) </Seattle>

Is it just me... or could we organize a purchase / invite chain chain and let an unlimited number of people get a 25$ item for free..

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