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>Both sides think the platform is institutionally biased against them.

Hilarious coming from someone who used to work at Reddit. Apart from blatantly illegal stuff, the one thing most likely to get a subreddit in trouble with Reddit's Anti-Evil Operations is allowing open debate about whether trans women are women. Even if the mods take every effort to make rules and remove posts calling for violence etc. and merely allow debate over whether or not they are women, they are guaranteed to run afoul of the AEO team. There is a subreddit I frequent that allows this, and the mods there are very transparent about when the AEO removes posts, and it is pretty much always posts about whether trans women are women (the remainder of ones that get removed by the AEO tend to be people arguing about lowering the age of consent, but the ratio of trans to aoc posts that get removed is like 10:1).

I'm not seeing anything in your comment that actually refutes the substance of what Wong said.

Volunteering to show your own oppression receipts isn't evidence against the idea that people from many political poles thing the platform is institutionally biased against them. It actually reinforces his point. Particularly when he takes pains to point out that anyone running this kind of circus is always going to find out that no single stable system or rules are going to be adequate to address behavior that surrounds discourse with limited accountability.

I frequent at least one sub where trans-skeptical discussion is certainly present (/r/JordanPeterson , in spite of the fact that it's largely a political fun-house mirror now more than a venue for discussing his work). I see that kind of discussion regularly. You may want to consider that something else is going in the sub you're referring to. Particularly considering it's one in which apparently both lowering the age of consent and trans-skeptical topics are a staple (the potential behavioral red flags almost throw themselves).

> ratio of trans to aoc posts that get removed is like 10:1).

What's the ratio of trans posts that don't get removed to those that do?

What's the ratio of shitposts where the frame is ultimately about how one should behave towards trans people vs posts that are courteously principled with the obvious point of exploring what gender/sex actually are and how might know?

What's the ratio of worldview to discourse?

To be fair, Yishan was CEO from 2012 to 2014, and back then they did way less content moderation.

This was a time when blatantly racist subs like /r/coontown were allowed, as well as fringe subs like /r/watchpeopledie.

Well he mentions that porn is "imagined moral degeneracy". I imagine he believes debating trans people's status is "actual violence".

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