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I think unbundling takes place on two levels. First, zapier competitors. (Full disclosure, I am building a workflow comparison website comparing 25 zapier competitors.)

But secondly, I start wondering if native integrations won't become more important and a bigger threat for zapier over time. Currently the typical customer pays for two SaaS services AND for zapier etc. to connect the two. Over time, native integrations can, self built or with the help of white label solutions from n8n embed, make, Paragon and others, make workflow automation solutions less important.

I also wonder if Google sheets, notion databases and airtable will not become hubs for automations. Many problems are solved for a fraction of the cost if all SaaS have native, two way automations/syncs to these spreadsheet/databases. (Notion bought automate.io, but hasn't really interested it. Yet.)

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