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> YT and Google video search are too focused on who creates the content

Correct - YouTube's feature roadmap is driven by monetization, which is in turn driven by monetizing attention through advertising. How often do you search directly for videos? I just looked through my recent YouTube search queries; 70% of the searches are for channels/content producers. Compounding that, most of my time in YouTube is spent consuming their recommendations rather than directly seeking content. So even during the rare times when I use YouTube search, it's usually not for specific video content.

The types of queries you're describing are better served by text. Perhaps a mix of both text and video content.

The attention could be split in a content-first vs. personality-first ranking approach, the key problems becomes (1) signal quality, fame/likes/subs can be a rough proxy and (2) monetized attention can exist across both but its easier to end up with a meaningful monetization payout when aggregated by fame.

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