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On Being Offended (quix.us)
1 point by jasonnemrow on April 13, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Feels like a somewhat contrived example. The article ends with "don't ever let yourself be offended." That's a mighty extrapolation from a single story. It's not applicable to all situations with offense in them.

> Everyone always focuses on a person who is being offended, [and] their tender feelings... I think it is high time we spend a bit more time on those who offend...

Few things set me off like hearing hundreds of thousands of people chanting in unison, "I know this will be unpopular, but..."

I feel like I've read this article a hundred times from a hundred different authors, and I've never even sought them out. The American right wing has been publishing this exact article in various editions for longer than I've been alive. They seemingly cannot help but portray their opponents as "hippie" liberals from out of town, ignorant of local customs, "shrilly" proclaiming (often dishonestly) to be "offended" just to get their way. There is no more universal aspect of conservatism than liking this kind of article. Thinking people who say they're offended are whiny losers does not make you a lone voice of reason. Your views are fairly popular. Just stop.

I was planning to write a longer rant, but really, I don't see the point. It's not like I'd be able to convince them to stop writing this article over and over. But still, I can't help but ask: If someone tells you you said something that offended them, even if they really are being whiny and shrill about it, consider calming yourself down and trying to understand their point of view. It's okay to conclude they're wrong and you're right at the end, just don't start out by assuming it. Because really, ignoring offended people is the easy way out. Admitting you did something wrong is harder.

There is nothing remotely interesting or thought-provoking about this article. The writer is just as shrill, self-righteous, and whiny as the people he’s railing about.

Nobody who sounds or thinks like this has ever changed any minds, anywhere. This sort of silliness—and it is not just from right-wingers—only galvanizes and solidifies the opposition.

Very glad the HN crowd didn’t take this person’s lapse of composure seriously enough to boost it.

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