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>Write sth. about programming and you shall be forgiven

Have you noticed how HN is dramatically less about tech lately?

What is it right now? Loaves of bread? Hikaru/Chess? Virtually every programming topic is some 'i produced a new programming language that nobody needs'

Tons of politics, but that is what is specifically hacker news right now. That we are in the center of a cyber world war that just went hot. What country doesnt have a cyber army? Which country hasn't suddenly invested big into cyber security and semiconductors?

In a draft blog I laid out the case for this cyber world war.

Incidentally my work blog currently being written(to be published in a month or 2 because of backlog) is about me analyzing the public/free threatfeeds in the same way. My discoveries are shocking. Talos' public threatfeed says world war.

I did all this in python :)

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