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Reason.com is a libertarian source whose coverage and perspective does not align with the Dem or Repub parties.

"Not-red/not-blue agenda" is different from "no-agenda".

Every news source has an agenda. GP was asking for news sources that are not afraid to criticize political parties, and they are not. They even have a range of libertarian views, and they criticize each other/the libertarian party.

There are plenty others too. Many go further, to criticize corporations and even bare narratives! Below is a small sample, and none are aligned with any party in particular.

Center for Public Integrity

Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)

Novara Media (UK-based)

scheerpost.org (Chris Hedges's main outlet)

Citations Needed


In These Times


naked capitalism

Are any of these not aligned with the far-left? I didn't check them all, but none of them seems to be to the center of the Dems on the issues they cover. Perhaps I didn't dig deep enough?

It's possible that the commenter was asking for Dem/Repub-critical sources that are all aligned with one pole, but I interpreted the question as asking for sources whose coverage would not correlate with either party.

If you're going to criticize Reason for having an agenda, I would say that critique would apply equally to these sources as well. They seem very agenda driven (which doesn't make them bad)!

"Center" does not mean "rational" it just means "non-committal". Sometimes committing to certain viewpoints is rational, sometimes it is not.

Not sure what you're responding to. Is your list all far-left? Do you disagree that they're agenda-driven? You criticized my suggestion of Reason as having an agenda and then gave your list instead. I'm trying to understand in what way it is a better set of suggestions than a non-left/right oriented outlet like Reason.

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