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I think the problem with the news is that it focuses only on the problems; They should do some research so they can focus on presenting the solutions. I think I would subscribe to a channel that tells me how to improve the world's problems.

That's only part of it. Them focusing on the problems isn't something new really (and from a financial standpoint is "understandable", as much as we hate this because it doesn't exactly benefit society that much), but the bigger problem is the fact that very often in the last decade they seemed to either lie by omitting key facts/aspects or straight out misrepresenting a story: which is something that people have began noticing, though very recently. This is not even going into the phenomenon that some outlets began popularizing the opinion-pieces to the point that their activism about certain topics began smelling too much like propaganda. Only very recently (~2019 and so imo) they started slowing down on this, but not after noticing that their pockets began hurting a lot due to their often-disingenuous journalism. Alternative journalism has grown a lot but some flaws are still there, it's not polished. Though I always tell myself if I want the truth I have to dig for it to the source, and even if misinformation is a legitimate issue, one cannot negate the fact that it's more probable that there's some raw video/information about a story that presents truth as close as possible, and is available deep in a social network or the internet.

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