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I didn't write my comment with "as opposed" sentiment in mind, but can't help to wonder what is the typical distance between US capitals. So, wow, thanks for that piece of data!

I also think there's a hen and egg problem. To build a rail road you need to buy the land strip between two stations, and in today's US you can't just do it because someone knowing about your venture and how you cannot succeed without having all the land - will just ask any enormous price knowing you won't have a choice. I think the whole idea of hyperloop was born on that restriction - because buying places for support pillars and making the whole system more or less silent making it at least viable.

In EU railroads are there for 100+ years, all the land under them is belong to government or railroad companies.

That's a good point I hadn't even considered, both about the railroad venture problem and hyperloop depictions already working around that.

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