Please, if you are going to upload a presentation online after giving it, have a version tailored for Slideshare or Speakerdeck.
Please for the love of all that is holy in the world: stop with the meme's, stock photo + funny/ironic text. Getty Images et al have some funny stuff, and if you type "guy frustrated with the world with frizzy hair" you'll likely find something, but it's over-played.
For the most part, presentations work better online as a visual accompaniment to a really well thought out and concise blog post.
I would rather speakers upload exactly what they presented, as soon as possible after a presentation, than spend time (and perhaps never actually complete) making a custom version 'tailored for online' or 'reduced to blog post'.
It's great if they want to make other versions, but it's no knock against them for sharing what they've got, in the form they've got it.
TL;DR: Commenters' peeves, in a totally different forum, are not the presenters' problem.
Please, if you are going to upload a presentation online after giving it, have a version tailored for Slideshare or Speakerdeck.
Please for the love of all that is holy in the world: stop with the meme's, stock photo + funny/ironic text. Getty Images et al have some funny stuff, and if you type "guy frustrated with the world with frizzy hair" you'll likely find something, but it's over-played.
For the most part, presentations work better online as a visual accompaniment to a really well thought out and concise blog post.
With no info graphics please.