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Every field that isn't immediately related to programming can benefit from more code. Fields related to programming from less code.

For example, every scientist I know struggles with a cobbled mess of bash, R, and Python scripts. Reading and writing CSV, cleaning data, moving things about, renaming and merging files. Drawing a pretty graph at the end. That sort of thing. Thousands and thousands of files. TBs of data.

Few scientists can program, but every single one would profit immensely from somebody who can set up small scripts. The coding itself isn't tricky but some of the domain knowledge is.

Though I don't know where to find such a position. The labs I'm familiar with work with first year bioinformatics students and similar and don't publish job openings as such.

You'll find some of those such jobs (Research Software Engineers) at https://society-rse.org/careers/vacancies/

Very helpful. Very kind of you. Thanks.

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