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As the average wage divided by the average living costs continues to go down, while the price of commodities stays the same or goes up, we will start seeing more and more ridiculous thefts like this all across the world.

In a few decades I don't doubt that Limestone, aggregate material etc. theft will be equivalent to today's copper and iron thefts.

I hope that the person paying the price for these crimes isn't the average person, or a very local government.

People allegedly don't make as much as they did last year so they pull off a multi million dollar theft of public infrastructure?

Minus the hyperbole/sarcasm with the dollar amounts and time period, yeah - pretty much. Opportunity cost is the primary driver of these moderately profitable but high risk crimes, and the amount you earn from a regular job will steadily shrink when compared to the amount you could earn by stealing 10 miles of chain-link fencing.

I also think that "multi million dollar theft" is a great exaggeration here - the amount stolen appears to be about 500 tonnes. Assuming that 80% of that is pure Iron, the price would actually be about $36,000. It would certainly not be worth doing for someone born in the U.K. with the skills of a tradesman, but it's worth it in India and may be worth it in the future for people over here too.

Taxes are paid by the average person, so yes, the price is paid by the average person.

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