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List of 206 Companies That Are Just Continuing Business-as-Usual in Russia (yale.edu)
5 points by antattack on April 9, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Oh good. A list of companies I can do business with, without having to worry about the service being disrupted in pursuit of virtue-signalling brownie points.

We definitely need to stop this double standard bullshit.

Lots of US companies continued business-as-usual with nazis during WWII and they not only did fine at the time, but they are strong then never today because nobody cares.

In a ideal society, where people care about the moral of corporations they do businesses, no US corporation would stand up because all of them do harmful things, sometimes deliberately, worse than continuing doing business with Russia. But as I said, nobody cares beyond what is told them to care about.

This list should be expanded with brands so consumers can help the companies make the right decision.

For example, Koch Industries (not a complete list):




Molex Incorporated



Angel Soft


Quilted Northern

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