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To me what is more interesting is Korean food without chili peppers.

Korean food is notoriously spicy today, gochugaru and gochujang are fundamental condiments of modern Korean cooking, but pre-chili recipes for things like kimchi are not notably spicy.

This is interesting actually. I'd be curious to see what Korean food was like before the Americas were discovered. And you have now got me daydreaming about kimchi a full hour before lunchtime, thanks a lot :D

There’s a cookbook called the eumsik dimibang but I can’t find an English translation.

It’s noticeable for both being the first Korean cookbook and being authored by a woman in the 1600s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eumsik_dimibang

> And you have now got me daydreaming about kimchi a full hour before lunchtime, thanks a lot :D

Just curious (and nosy), It is still early morning in the US but what did you end up having for lunch? :D

Haha no problem I didn't have anything with kimchi and ended up going for Poke instead (https://www.pokecz.cz)

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