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I wouldn't say corn tortillas have a particularly short shelf life. Or that they're all that hard to reheat. If you're getting fresh ones straight from the tortilliera, they're not going to last long on the counter, but that's because they're not formulated or packaged for shelf life. There are quite a few larger brands that make more shelf-stable corn tortillas and I've never noticed them going bad any faster than flour tortillas.

I'm not sure if you mean something specific by reheating, but I've always just toasted them in a pan on medium heat for a bit. I'm sure a good Mexican cook puts more finesse into it than I do, but there's at least enough structural integrity when I toast them to get the filling down your gullet with minimal complications.

Damn I miss living where the grocery store had a cooler of this morning's fresh-made corn tortillas. La Banderita is better than nothing, but it's just not the same.

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