There are so many excellent, thought-provoking comments in this thread, but yours caught me especially. Something that came to mind immediately upon reading the release was the potential for this technology to transform literature, adding AI generated imagery to turn any novel into a visual novel as a premium way to experience the story, something akin to composing D-Box seat response to a modern movie. I was imagining telling the cyberpunk future story you were elaborating, which is really compelling, in such a way and couldn't help but smile.
In the same theme, I liked the comments of both of you.
Another use case could be to make it easier/ automatic to create comics. You tell what the background should be, characters should be doing and the dialogues. Boom, you have a good enough comic.
Reading as a medium has not evolved with technology. Creating the imagery does happen in humans' minds. It's not surprise that some people enjoy doing that (and also enjoy watching that imagery) and others do not.
This could be a helping brain to create those imageries.
Now imagine, reading stories to your child. Actually, creating stories for your child. Where they are the characters in the stories. Having a visual element to it is definetly going to be a premium experience.
I can also imagine the magical nature of a child being able to make up a story (as children are wont to do) and having Dall-E here generating a picture book as they go.