If you make it such as ALL i have to do is to watch my blog-front page (and have the option to write my own CSS) i will use it.
I don't want a huge interface for stuff i will never use. I want to be able to (when logged in) double click or something on my blog post and then it will turn into a <textarea> for editing and saving. I really hate going into a huge suit for writing a little text and upload images into galleries for later insertion into posts.
-- He will then see the blog as normal but have the option to press a "admin mode" button which will show buttons for the posts "delete" and such.
-- Adding posts: He will see a "+" at the top of the blog where he gets a WYSIWYG + textarea -- then he press Save and the new post is added. He will then press the "admin mode" again to see the blog as normal users see it to make sure nothing looks odd.
-- Editing: Same as above except you press "edit" on a post.
-- Alternative: All posts become <textarea>s + WYSIWYG editors so that you do not even have to press edit.
Actually i don't know. Some kind of drag and drop into the WYSIWYG-editor would be optimal IMO. When you save the image could be automatically uploaded to a /img folder.
I just want to remove as many distracting factors as possible, clicking, and managing image uploading is one of them.
I am glad you like the idea. If you decide to give it a try and fail/need help/lack motivation hit me an e-mail at jontelang [at] gmail. I really want to see this implemented but I have little to none time right now.
I don't want a huge interface for stuff i will never use. I want to be able to (when logged in) double click or something on my blog post and then it will turn into a <textarea> for editing and saving. I really hate going into a huge suit for writing a little text and upload images into galleries for later insertion into posts.
It should be like this.
- Go to name.easyblog.com
- See the white, minimalistic blog (posterous is good https://jontelang.posterous.com/)
- Normal user will just read
- Admin may login
-- He will then see the blog as normal but have the option to press a "admin mode" button which will show buttons for the posts "delete" and such.
-- Adding posts: He will see a "+" at the top of the blog where he gets a WYSIWYG + textarea -- then he press Save and the new post is added. He will then press the "admin mode" again to see the blog as normal users see it to make sure nothing looks odd.
-- Editing: Same as above except you press "edit" on a post.
-- Alternative: All posts become <textarea>s + WYSIWYG editors so that you do not even have to press edit.
All in all, simple and fast.