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+1 for "use search instead of organization".

I've been taking notes for 2 years, zettelkasten-style, and 90% of them are just dumped in the same directory, without links or tags. If I'm looking for something and remember that I might have that in my notes, I just search for it.

That also implies that, when writing a note, I sometimes add a line with a few related keywords and synonyms.

How though? People say this like search is simple, but how do you search for things?

I'm using Roam and I still have this issue.

I spent some time to build my own web-based markdown editor, and was using minisearch[0] to index and do fuzzy search on my notes. I've recently switched to Obsidian and plan to make a similar extension in the next weeks.

[0]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/minisearch

If you're on a Linux system and the notes are just text files a grep -rn . -e 'search term' is probably sufficient. Use -rnw If you're looking for whole words.

Absolutely. And if you do this a lot it might be worth substituting ripgrep for grep.

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