In case you missed it, some further context, his website now reads:
I’ve decided to shelve Arcane (a video game I’ve been “working on” for 7 years) so I can practice shipping smaller games first
I’ve been sending out a personal changelog every Sunday
I’ve started using Unity so I can hone my design & prototyping abilities
I scrapped my old custom website with this WordPress one
I’ve transitioned to having writing (this site) be my main communication medium since I’m not the biggest fan of chasing the YouTube algorithm
Yep, that is actually the eventual outcome for many of these grandiose projects.
Nonetheless, i hope that his further pursuits are more successful or at least fulfilling for himself!
Who knows, maybe he'll be able to create interesting content about Unity some time in the future, like Sebastian Lague and others make: (if he ever feels like doing more YouTube content)