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This is basically the dumbest possible take, bordering on Kremlin propaganda. Russia has failed to take even a single major city in Ukraine, after nearly all Western analysts expected them to take Kyiv within 2-3 days. The delays and losses Ukraine has inflicted on Russia have been historic, to the point where they have permanently reduced Russia's ability to wage foreign wars. Ukraine is currently launching attacks on strategic targets within Russian territory without sustaining ANY losses. Russia is absolutely getting their ass kicked, to the point where it brings into question any Russian defensive credibility, including the idea that they still have functional nuclear weapons.

So analysis by former Commanding General of the U.S. Army Special Forces Command https://lite.cnn.com/en/article/h_0a8603fd1b211315e9e4be9751... and facts stated by Dmitry Antonov https://simpleflying.com/antonov-employees-appeal-an-225-des... are Kremlin propaganda now?

>failed to take even a single major city in Ukraine

Yes, they only pulverized Mariupol and bomb others with impunity, including strategic targets like Lvivs Yavoriv base seemingly with no S-300 air cover. You have to take into account Russians dont seem to be interested in controlling the population, the goal at this point appears to be extermination. Everyone expected Ukraine to fail because there was still this prevailing conviction about some kind of competence in Russian ranks. Turned out small hit&run was enough to completely disrupt huge military convoy send on its mission like a headless chicken, all thanks to Ukrainian SF units with their training and freedom to take initiative. Russians seem to have started gaining some kind of cohesion in last two weeks. Switched from indiscriminately bombing random civilian targets to actually hitting some strategic assets from time to time now (fuel, logistics), retreated from failed Kyiv push, setup own artillery, started using uavs and jamming assets. Its uphill from here on.

>Ukraine is currently launching attacks on strategic targets within Russian territory

Singular attack, and Ukraine cleverly maintains plausible deniability.

>Russia is absolutely getting their ass kicked

Imo it doesnt matter who loses how much gear. Civilians are dying :( It was obvious around 15 that attack was imminent, yet Ukrainian gov slept at the wheel.

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