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Are there people who can read text like this and take it seriously? All I can hear is vapid nonsense and grifting bullshit. I don't know whether there is actually substance here or not - all I know is that this makes me want to flip the bozo bit on everyone involved so effectively that I cannot tell whether it was intended that way, or whether this is just some cultural divide in action.

Agreed, and what does this have to do with the ocean? If they had named it SomeObscureTechnicalProtocol, I could at least pretend to respect it.

Do words have meaning any more? Apparently not. Hijacking real words while inventing a language steeped in your own nonsense words all sounds exactly like grifting. Or it could just be terrible writing and marketing for an otherwise legit idea? We'll never know.

Yeah I don't disagree with you there. I feel like I've looked at this website for way too long and still don't know what exactly is going on.

Every time I peek at the web3 community I just get overwhelmed. I thought AI was buzzword heavy but these people have developed their own language with only buzzwords.

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