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There is a very large difference between "much of" and "all". And we have at this time no way to distinguish which bits are in the "much of" and which the rest.

There is so very much of it that even were the actually-junk just 5% of that, it would still qualify as "much of".

It is way more than that. Among all vertebrates the puffer fish has a famously small genome of only about 342 million basepairs (Mb) (x2). Compare that of human at 3200 Mb (x2).

Now you might claim humans are more complex than pufferfish but that is mainly human hubris at work and would be exceedingly hard to prove in a court of law.

Fish genomes range “in size from 342 Mb of Tetraodon nigroviridis to 2967 Mb of Salmo salar” (from https://bmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s1286...).

Do you think all of that difference between two teleosts is functional?

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