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I had a john explain ethics to me when I was a 16 year old prostitute. Ethics is doing the right thing with information, whereas morality is doing what you're told. Like, killing a baby is morally wrong, but if you had a time machine it might be ethical to go back and shoot baby Hitler (terrible example). He ended up coming to my rescue when I was arrested a year or two later, and I got off with no record after breaking into an abandoned historical building, which is a whole other story. He died not long after in what appeared to be suicide. But that explanation has had an impact on me, I don't think I'm a moral person, I'm an ethical person. I take what information I have, for instance, King Kong Theory, and apply it to the choices I make in life.

Yes morality is the right word, not ethic. King Kong Theory force its readers to rethink accepted morality.

Are you saying that you are not a moral person because morality is defined by the society ? or because you feel guilty, you don't see yourself as a "good" person ? (Of course I ask because of KKT)

This is horribly ironic.

I was violently assaulted after writing the original comment, and raped. This time I fought back, I don't understand the universe. The first time I was violently raped it was 2007 and I was 17, it was an NYPD officer, and I screamed a bit, but eventually just went numb and let it happen. Saturday night I was raped by a cab driver, and I fought for my fucking life and he did not cum.

I feel no guilt for beating the fuck out of him, I am not a moral person, because I am an ethical person. I do what is right in that situation. And right now, I am in a ton of pain, but I do not feel guilty for fighting back, I feel proud and strong. Rape is usually talked about as a women's issue (if you've read KKT,this is a major point), but I am a man, and I have been raped more times than I can count, and I fucking want to talk about it, and I want to fight it. And I think it's perfectly ethical to kill someone who is trying to rape you, and you should feel no guilt.

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