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Linux desktop works well enough for the types of things "normal" people are allowed to do on corporate networks. Like, the ways it can break are no worse then the numerous utterly broken Windows things which Microsoft ships out of the box these days.

The Linux desktop suffers from the reality that businesses don't care about their Windows licensing costs, AD admins are a dime a dozen, but an absolute ton of very specialized - different - pieces of enterprise software work on Windows but nowhere else.

Of course this my slight bias from being a Cinnamon user, which delivers a quality useful experience - I'm bit more pessimistic the times I've had to deal with Gnome 3 default, which tries to innovate (and shouldn't - we don't need an "innovative" desktop - we need a rock-solid experience that says "what you know without ads or drama").

I say this also as a cinnamon user. It's really not there. Mint cinnamon breaks on a few basic common tasks like connecting Bluetooth headphones (and recognizing mics on even wired headphones) and connecting to business wifi networks with a preregistered username and password. Just those 2 things is enough to disregard using it entirely.

Those things work flawlessly out of the box.

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