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If I remember correctly it was the West that made possible the rebellion in Syria with "the moderate rebells", like it did in Lybia. Russia is hardly to blame for that civil war and the Atlantic is not really honest.

I don't understand how we can still talk with a straight face about foreign interventions after messing up such a long list of countries in North Africa and Middle East.

As a citizen, you "are" not your country or your power bloc. You can be against your own's and others' bad interventions. The alternative would be to sort of accept both? No thanks.

If it looks hypocritical from the outside, so be it. At least, when somebody says "but what about WMDs in Iraq", you can tell them that you were against that war as well and you protested - if you did.

Really? So can we support Russians when they say the same? Everyone still justifies the anti -russian-people narrative, as they are part of the economy that funds their government... It looks hypocritical and is part of the reason why it's easier to the other side to justify internally their actions (anti-western). We all should know better...

If you practically can, sure. But you can't practically distinguish between all the 140 million people in Russia regarding sanctions. If you are dealing with one particular person, by all means, do make appropriate distinctions.

Ye I should have written "Moscow" instead of "Russia", really.

I was 15 in 2003 so I didn't really have an opinion at the time. Maybe I would have bought the bad cases belli if I were an adult, who knows. I belive there were genuine post-cold war optimism "fixing" all these dictatorships at the time.

this is exactly the kind of post I would craft if I worked for FSB - not rhetorically inflammatory, but nudging us towards favoring the authoritarian regime and more importantly invalidating our own efforts to be moral.

Ironically this is also a post I would craft if I worked for the CIA

+1. Here in Ukraine we see the same reasoning in Russian posts written by Kremlin trolls while they wage their information war against us.

We triggered this rebellion, by destroying the bread prices, by short sightetly promoting green fuels in a rush.

Similar to mr.putin at the moment is triggering the next wave, by preventing ukraine from producing for the world.

I dont hear you complaining about this matches lighting at the powder keg, so i just assume you do not have the welfare of the people in that region at heart, at all.

And the western interventions did in the end not change a thing. The middle east, is the same as before the interventions, still a stagnant, backwards region, not prepared at all for climate change and what it will bring. All the bright minds leave early and permanent. The despots, that either nature or western power disposes, are replaced with new despots, that align to whoever offers the most, selling the region to the highest bidder.

If anything, western influence is greatly overrated. Iraq was going to dissolve itself anyway after the death of saddam from old age. It was a horrific construct drawn by the british onto the maps and how those lines hold up, can be seen africa.

The only promising democractic candidates in the region, turkey, tunesia and iran are sliding backwards and israel will sooner or later succumb to political barbarism too, cause the cultural enthusiasm of the neighbours for butchering and discriminating one another is catchy.

Some places stuck in the loop, the question of who bombs who at the moment and why is rather irrelevant. Important is that the butchering happens every 2nd generation, to make place for the great genetic lottery that god wills and that god is that we self-optimized for this loop. Super depressing that humanity not given a constant surplus by the environment or science, devolves back into tribal warfare.

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