> Some researchers have proposed that when a black hole forms, a Big Bang may occur at the core/singularity, which would create a new universe that expands outside of the parent universe
... FWIU, all we've done is observe minute confirmatory fluctuations from the ground; e.g. LIGO (Nobel Prize in Physics 2017, Thorne, NumFocus-supported tools)? Could that tell us where the center is? Should there even be one if we're actually inside a white hole / black hole combo?
What "dark matter" do we subtract or add to the CMB, GWB,?
... Severe questions of cosmological topology, in regards to a manifold for holographic projection
> Some researchers have proposed that when a black hole forms, a Big Bang may occur at the core/singularity, which would create a new universe that expands outside of the parent universe
Where's the exit on this thing?
Do the CMB or GWB indicate that the Shapley Attractor / Great Attractor interaction is the omnidirectional mouth / center of it all, or no? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapley_Supercluster
Gravitational wave background > Cosmological sources https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_wave_background
... FWIU, all we've done is observe minute confirmatory fluctuations from the ground; e.g. LIGO (Nobel Prize in Physics 2017, Thorne, NumFocus-supported tools)? Could that tell us where the center is? Should there even be one if we're actually inside a white hole / black hole combo?
What "dark matter" do we subtract or add to the CMB, GWB,?
... Severe questions of cosmological topology, in regards to a manifold for holographic projection