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Why I find Linux gaming important? (akselmo.dev)
4 points by _uiyh on March 30, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Hi, I wrote this last month. I just wanted to see if anyone else here shares my opinion on the matter. I am not a super good writer but anyway.

First submission to HN, sorry if this doesn't fit in.

It's a nice write-up - what do you think about cloud gaming and how it might interact with FOSS games?

(by the way: have you ever played Quadrilateral Cowboy[1]?)

[1] - https://github.com/blendogames/quadrilateralcowboy/

Thanks! I have to say im not big fan of cloud gaming. It takes the files away from you and theres no way to preserve them when the game is removed from service. FOSS games in cloud though.. That could work since the files are already up somewhere.

And yes i have played that game, i had no idea it was open source!

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