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I remember when I first started working at Bell Labs, way way back in 1978, I had just got my MSEE and had the world by the tail. But there was some old timers there that, I learned to really respect. They spoke more slowly than I did and sometimes stumbled a little. But, man, the knowledge there! It is something that stuck with me over the years.

Now, I am, I guess one of those old timers. But, I am pretty lucky to work with a lot great people and I try to remember that experience of mine and relate to some of the younger people that are a little quicker than me on some things. I feel that, I provide a lot of value still, and, I get feedback from a lot of younger people that helps confirm that for me.

I would advise, to try to convey your wisdom, don't try to mimic being young, be you, slower, but wiser perhaps. You have valuable experience, offer that for what it is worth and do not worry if you cannot find the perfect word or phrase, just share your knowledge, wisdom and experience.

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