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I'm 61 and not interviewing. But I have started working with seniors online in Brisbane helping Mac users with their lived experience online. These are otherwise smart people, who just don't have the depth of keyboard time we do, and are drowning in the online world. "My daughter gave me this mac. how do I drive it and why do I have so many pole-dancers as friends in facebook..." conversations.

I have exactly this problem you describe. I have a sold causal chain of reasoning why I want them to learn to use keyboard accellerator commands and not the touchpad (which they look at, because they lack confidence) and I have solid reasons why I want them to run backups, and not just yank the USB disk, and when it comes to explaining it, I get tongue tied. And I hasten to add I am anything BUT tonguetied most of the time.

Something about the situation demands I try harder: present real, understandable, plain english reasoning why I think they should do these things. It's hard. I can't just jargon my way out. I am reaching for the word-expressions of the brilliant Ideas I have "inside"

Overall I find adjectives and adverbs don't help. "its better" isn't a good reason to do something. "It will interfere less with your real goal" is closer, but I stumble over the fact "this is just how I do it, and so I can help you better if you do it the way I do it" is sometimes the key drive.

(not the USB unplugging. They need to learn that)

Stress can cause a breakdown in the functions like sentence construction. You need to practice, so you don't need to use so much of the awesome brain power you have, to emit the words. You know what helps? Talking to yourself, and reading aloud. Become more fluent, by speaking. Learn the cadence of your own voice. Write things down, and read them back and then try writing NOTES and reading back the expanded version.

You will (ok, you may) find it gets easier with practice.

IF you watch any true crime, people in police interview do not speak fluently usually. They're maximally stressed. it shows in how they articulate. Every word has to be judged for its future probitive impact. if I say "I don't THINK I stabbed him " what is the value of THINK in that sentence...

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