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>37% of jobs in US can be remote

That's great! And for people who read hacker news and can get a well paying job it's certainly an added benefit to an already great situation. Even for those in a not great situation working from home makes things easier. But the other 63% - a majority - are working in jobs that can't be remote. And if I had to guess, those 63% are the ones more likely to live in a mobile home or trailer park, which is what the linked article is about.

My assertion in my previous post and again now is for people who can't work remote and don't have a high paying job there's a limit to how far they can in practice move from their job.

You’re right. But when 37% of the workforce can move out of the city, that means there’s more housing available for the 63%. I think that’s what’s happening when people moving out of cities lately!

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