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A magical AWS serverless developer experience (plain.com)
241 points by ptrik on March 28, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 157 comments

This sounds like an interesting setup, but honestly my alarm bells are seriously going off in terms of cognitive load for every developer. I would love to see how much time is spent on ops at this company vs actual dev time. Also once they are hitting scale I am really interested how all of this holds up. You have 7 devs now, what happens with 20 devs on different teams.

Also since this is a beta product, I am doubting that you would hit too many problems with any deployment solution at this point. Why are you using Aurora + serverless + event bridge at all? Its magical because you are all using the same dependencies as prod, but why are you using these dependencies at all? All you need is a single postgres database (easily spun up on any developer machine) + crud app (easily able to use full stack typescript with nextjs or the like).

Word of caution about having this many moving parts, they will bite you in the ass. Now it seems all rainbows and magic but there is a reason people on this website preach simplicity -- because when shit hits the fan the simple solutions are easy to debug and fix without spending 1000s of dev hours. The complicated magic solutions are the ones that cause 24+hr downtimes and need to be re-architected. You are a customer service tool, not a devops company, the choices here don't make too much sense.

I feel like the cognitive load here is just different, not worse.

Dev environments in traditional shops are usually a PITA and only really resemble production. We’re all just used to it. This model is different but once you’re used to it, must be quite a joy. The main drawback seems to be developing against real services (rather than emulated) is slower, but that seems like a worthwhile trade off IMO.

It seems risky though. One runaway process that accidentally floods this infinitely scalable Amazon cloud with requests and you could quickly rack up a huge bill. I'm not sure I want this hanging over my head during development and testing. It's problematic enough in production.

That’s a trade off. With the traditional approach you may introduce bugs into production when your dev environment isn’t a perfect emulation (works in dev!). With this approach dev and prod are much more identical.

True, but this problem is greately exacerbated by the incredible complexity of this sort of architecture. And running dev in the cloud doesn't completely solve it either as configuration issues have always been a major cause of the "works in dev" issue.

Again, “incredible complexity” is not correct, it’s just complex in a different way. Serverless is pretty remarkable because it abstracts a huge amount of pain away. Never deal with weird file issues or even having to think much about scalability.. that’s a huge luxury. There are other parts that are more complex but you’re basically trading a lot of nuisance away

I feel like we reached a sweet stop with Docker or dedicated VMs, where the dev environment was near-identical to production.

The serverless trend breaks this a lot by making the production environment cloud-only and not something that you can run offline.

This is how many (most?) teams develop at...Amazon. It definitely scales to large teams and large (1000TPS) projects.

Most teams at Amazon are still using Brazil and Apollo (internal build and deploy systems that were brilliant 12 years ago but have aged poorly). CDK is just starting to become more common throughout the company. Many orgs barely use it.

And those systems have the entire Builder Tools org making sure they work.

I had suspected something like that from how basic CRUD operations on AWS can take minutes of latency compared to seconds when running whatever-it-is locally.

At least their solution architects get some moral redemption from peddling these messes..

so this company with 7 developers has the same amount of resources as amazon?

Clearly not, but this is a circular argument. As companies expand in size they naturally increase both their needs and their resources.

Are you arguing that using SaaS developer tools like the ones in this journal entry consumes a greater proportion of engineers' capacity than self-hosting does, and that this cost difference becomes proportionally greater as a company grows? If you're right, perhaps some cloud-based startups and also larger businesses will be eaten up by more nimble, efficient self-hosted competitors.

(I work for a cloud host)

The article clearly states how they scale this down to save on costs and dev time. No mystery here.

When I try to visualize their full set of aws resources (say, their TF aws 'resources' etc) ... might not look pretty under the hood. You have to drink the serverless koolaid-on-steroids to be putting all your eggs into the 'aws-basket'. OTOH, this might be a brave thing to do, as devs we/I hesitate to cross that line when nothing is on our laptop & the IDE lives on the cloud. maybe that's the future.

One issue (that he mentions) is that not everything is mockable in the AWS (or any other cloud envmt) - this has some repercussions for TDD.

Looks very painful, or at least it looks to me like doing programming in the 60s: we need to connect to the "mainframe" in order to be able to do our jobs.

So much vendor lock-in, so much dependance on internet connectivity, so many buzzwords around... so much magic (as the post's title describes). I really dislike having to deal with a lot of third-party magic when doing programming.

It is very painful.

Serverless Stack framework is not bread and butter as they describe it, it often locks up and CPU going to 100% on my machine, misses debug breakpoints, breaks with weird error messages pointing to compiled JS code that are hard to trace back to TypeScript, etc, etc. And you are right, you are locked in, there is too much magic, you are dependent on internet connection.

Maybe I just inherited shitty serverless project, but it is painful.

Sorry to hear that you've had some bad experiences with SST. Recently we shipped some updates to fix the CPU issues with apps that have a large number of functions. The missing breakpoints I think is related as well.

That said though, we often work with teams in our Slack to get their setup working well. If you haven't, I'd recommend popping in and posting about it. Or just send me an email: jay@serverless-stack.com and we'll figure it out.

It's also an AWS-only tool, as far as I can see. As someone who's exploring more of Azure (due to choices of the company, where I'm mostly ambivalent on cloud choice), I have 0 use for something like this.

I'm currently working on using Terraform in Az DevOps Pipelines and Releases, to stand up an instance of something that has multiple 'cloud object' requirements. The Release process is frustrating, because the default assumptions made by Azure's tooling want me to format my variables a certain way. But, it would probably be like 'magic' if I just caved in and reworked our variables to be more Azure-friendly naming style.

Why should the tool have influence over the product? I know it's taking me more time to get it to work 'my' way, but I feel like I should force the system to adapt to my needs, instead of the other way around.

This was an interesting read, I’m currently facing a similar set of decisions. Good on you guys for finding an approach you’re excited to write about!

Throwing my two cents into the conversation, perhaps one day we’ll be able to have our cake and eat it too: If http://localstack.cloud (replicate AWS services locally) ever makes it to a 1.0 release, I may strongly think about vendor lock-in friendly approach like this. Unfortunately localstack recently (v0.14.1) forced me to give up on each ambition in my ideal develop-n-test-it-locally wishlist: first I gave up on a CDK provisioning resources locally, then I abandoned using ECR images for localstack lambda, and then I abandoned localstack altogether. Their S3 mock still works for local dev though!

The other thing is... if you want to develop locally but still on top of lambda, you either skip the api gateway altogether, or you write an undeployed shim for like expressJS or node http to fake that restful pattern locally. As great as not using APIGW+lambda-integration is, Lambda doesn’t believe in return codes other than 200 (ignoring throws and server failures), and you should probably use the AWS-sdk/client-lambda package. This all scatters weird lambda anti patterns. Yuck, that’s gonna be a big “chore:” commit if you ever get sufficiently sick of it. And I’m actually not in favor of using the lambda response interface, but APIGW lambda integrations are a seeming sht show. VTL and selection pattern seem so bad I’d rather just have more Kubernetes experience. Knative is good these days, I hear.

Also abandoned localstack, most parts of it are hardly reliable.

Using SAM Local [1] to emulate API GW + Lambda and DynamoDB Local [2]. For the rest we have flags we can switch to either call the real deal on a personal AWS account, or mock responses locally.

If you get ambitious and download the source code, the integration tests make it exceeding evident as to why this is there case. Or rather more the lack of integration tests. But it’s hardly a knock against the localstack guys. AWS is a huge surface to cover. I’d love to see AWS absorb the project and release us something official. But that seems unlikely.

Localstack is a total mess, cryptic errors, it either works flawless or with lots of bugs.

I definitely like the idea of using AWS services as much as possible, unfortunately each dev getting their own account was shut down by my current employer.

I found the state of their documentation absolutely unacceptable. They also do blatantly misleading advertising stuff. They’ve got a huge list of “supported features” which either was once true or is an intentional misrepresentation. And they boast a “slack community with 10k+ users!” Although that may be technically true, in reality there are probably less than a dozen active users.

I've worked with API servers that moved from a dedicated service to lambdas. We were using Django in this case, and just added a tiny wrapper that converts lambda>asgi (using Magum).

For local development, we continued using Django normally inside its own docker container with matching dependency versions and like.

Yeah I considered doing something like this but ultimately balked (maybe it was my inner prima dona) at the idea of needing to support undeployed adapter code (outside of Docker containers or build scripts), even if rarely. Might be easier with Python and Django, but the best typescript solutions I could come up required me to diverge from “normal-looking” express.js

There is no undeployed adapter here. I use Django which exposes an asgi interface.

Traditionally, one would use something like Daphne as an HTTP<>asgi adapter. In my case, I use Magnum as a Lambda<>asgi adapter.

For development, I just use Django's build-in development server (which auto-reloads on code changes and alike).

So there's not "extra" code that's only used for development, and I really don't maintain any extra glue code myself either.

For me, the magical serverless developer experience was Google Cloud Run.

I write a conventional 12 factor app, with no vendor-specific code which could be executed on my local machine for development, Heroku, or anywhere else, and hand it over to Google Cloud Run. It's really an amazing service.

I had a few wishes on their service (eg integration with Papertrail, an easy way to run background workers, etc) but overall the whole thing is the best of all worlds:

* No vendor lock in due to platform specific code

* Easy local development

* Serverless scalability and pricing

Are there particular reasons why people go through so many hoops to use Lambda when such superior experience exists?

That is interesting, Cloud Run does look much closer to what I want out of a "serverless" type service. I had no idea it existed.

I remember once there was a whole discussion point when people decided it was no longer possible for a single human to learn "all of Windows". I feel like we are at that point with cloud services ... it is now beyond the realm of possibility for a mortal human to obtain a comprehensive knowledge of cloud computing.

GCR is certainly very good. Note that there are quite a few good alternatives too:

Fly.io - https://fly.io/ (gives you a Postgres DB too)

Digital Ocean App Platform - https://www.digitalocean.com/products/app-platform

Scaleway Compute Containers - https://www.scaleway.com/en/docs/compute/containers/quicksta...

AWS also has an “easy” mode for running containers: AWS App Runner (https://aws.amazon.com/apprunner/)

Man, the number of services AWS has is crazy. I'm an ECS / Fargate user (pretty active) and hadn't tried this but it meets my needs.

That said, I spent time going into elastic beanstalk and ended up a bit disappointed, amazon doesn't close projects, but they tend to launch a lot of stuff but not always keep going with them fully.


I happen to really like ECS with ECS Anywhere (for heavy compute the price CAN NOT be beat in my view) and Fargate (for simplicity).

That said, App Runner a great possible fit that would do exactly what I want (build my docker from my repo!) in some cases and just weird there are SO many services that you really have to be paying attention to learn the next one.

My only real complaint is some products the quality really is below expectations I think. ELB / Workmail / CodeCommit / Cloud9 I was expecting more from and pace seemed off on some of these. I think they might distinguish maintenance mode products from active dev products just to give you a feel for trajectory.

AWS RDS / ECS and ECS Anywhere and Fargate - enjoy the experience.

As far as I know, App Runner still doesn't scale down to zero, whereas GCR does.

Cloud Run was also the sweet spot for me. Containers feel like the natural service unit.

interesting that i've never heard of it, isn't this basically AWS Fargate? write your custom stuff in docker/kubernetes and it becomes serverless?

Do you mean that you could write a regular Flask/PHP app and it will automatically make it serverless? What about long running tasks that gets triggered by http?

To answer your question, its just a lot easier to use a serverless framework to fully utilize separate AWS services (authentication, message streaming, database) while with the solution you described would benefit from custom platform depenedent binary applications (getting ffmpeg/specialized version of PIL to work on aws lambda was a nightmare).

Hopefully somebody else can chip in here, I've never used Fargate or Cloud run but neverthless open to when i can use it.

isn't this basically AWS Fargate?

It is close to Fargate. But on Fargate there's still a lot you have to manually control, like when to spawn up new instances, etc.

Cloud Run has this extremely simply concurrency model: You tell how many requests your app can handle concurrently and how many instances are allowed to run any given time.

* Do you mean that you could write a regular Flask/PHP app and it will automatically make it serverless? What about long running tasks that gets triggered by http? *

It's Docker based. So it doesn't really care. It just spawns up your docker file and expects your app to listen on $PORT.

what if a process takes like an hour or two to finish, can apprunner handle this?

Often I find myself panicking because I can't finish a task in 15 minute limit, and so I end up spinning up Lightsail server to process long running tasks, which means I need to create SQS queue to manage pending jobs, and its a wheel I seem to reinvent constantly.

Not that it would be a good idea really, but I could put Cloudflare in front of a mostly static site living on cloud run in order to be protected by big cloud run network/transfer bills right?

If what you have is a static site I don't think Cloud Run is the ideal service for that. Cloud Run is about a model of compute, which static sites don't need.

Cloud Run does look promising - I'd love to move towards a model of "just push container" without all the other hassle.

Are there many other good contenders in this space?

We’re doing more and more full stack typescript because it’s incredibly powerful resource (as in money) wise to have the same environment across everything in non-tech enterprise.

We also do a lot of “serverless” but the way we do it seems far less vendor dependent than this. Basically what we do is layer out the “node” part of our “serverless” application and let our cloud provide act as what is essentially the role of what expressJS or similar might have done for you 5-10 years ago. We’re also handling a lot the federated security through a combination of ORMs, OPA, AD and direct DB access control for the very rare BI application that needs it.

This way we can leave our cloud vendor at any time. Not without figuring out a suitable replacement but far easier than this article, and maintaining almost all of its advantages.

Interesting read, and if you’re certain AWS is a good home for the next five years from your most recently deployed service, then I don’t see too much of an issue with vendor lock-in.

> full stack typescript because it’s incredibly powerful resource (as in money) wise to have the same environment across everything in non-tech enterprise.

but with typescript are you not ending up writing more code? curious to know more about this and are you seeing tangible benefit from not having to switch between backend and frontend? im somehow skeptical of this and im always curious to hear from others who might prove otherwise.

we are using python on the backend (aws chalice) and just react javascript. don't really find much issue switching back and forth. and post 3.5 there is now runtime type hinting too so I didn't really see the appeal of using typescript.

now if there was only a way to write frontend applications in python that would be a dream :)

> We also do a lot of “serverless” but the way we do it seems far less vendor dependent than this. Basically what we do is layer out the “node” part of our “serverless” application and let our cloud provide act as what is essentially the role of what expressJS or similar might have done for you 5-10 years ago. We’re also handling a lot the federated security through a combination of ORMs, OPA, AD and direct DB access control for the very rare BI application that needs it.

hmmm I guess we are locked to AWS sort of (since we use AWS chalice) but I mean it could easily be ported to a python Flask server since the syntax is almost identical and we could absolutely run this on a VPS server if we choose to.

> but with typescript are you not ending up writing more code?

I think that depends on who you are and where you work. I actually come from a decades worth of C# and Python experience before starting at this place. I even wrote my first five “serverless” services in Python here, before switching to Typescript around December 2021. It wasn’t love at first sight, let me tell you that, but the control Typescript gives you once you decide upon some standards and enforce them, just makes things easier to manage. Basically what we do is write functional services that utilise interfaces (bad name) as a form or data-object Types and it sort of gives you this magical environment that has the best of both Python and C# mixed together.

You could probably achieve the same with Python, but we couldn’t. ;)

As far as speed, I’m talking about how we can reuse our internal packages. I wrote a NPM package to handle Odata API calls with the ability to add generics so that you can auto-complete anything in the query. I wrote it for our react clients (we use typescript for those) and then when I was writing a “serverless” function to do some heavy lifting in C# or Python it annoyed me that I couldn’t just consume the same library/package. Which is basically how I was converted to Typescript. I mean, there were other compelling arguments, but that’s what really did me in.

I’m not a fanatic though. I’m sure I’ll write more C# and Python and probably something else when it’s going to make sense to do so. But our Python “serverless” applications are frankly build the same way our Node applications are. It’s a little different with C# because the thing I haven’t yet named is Azure, but ideally, they too should be decoupled.

hmm interesting I will give it a try this weekend, I am trying to learn SolidJS so typescript will be needed anyhow.

Is there any issue with working with non-typescript npm modules?

By writing more code in this case, I think you're just referring to using a type system.

Yes, you type a little more, and your code is easier to refactor and change in the mid/long term. So you save time, and sanity.

Not mentioning the cost of using a slower runtime with Python... I've seen serverless bills of 100k+ a month with NodeJS. If something twice as slow was used, and Python is more than twice as slow on average, then we'd be talking 200k+...

Python can be faster than nodejs in many (but far from all) cases. It depends a lot on the workloads and environment. No general benchmark will tell the whole story.

Here Python came out on top:



In our case they were long lived lamdas consuming from a queue, so a JIT and good memory management mattered more.

I haven’t been super impressed with Typescript, to be honest. It’s fairly verbose, and it’s a gigantic language with a complex type system that still isn’t really type safe.

I’d lean towards either something dynamic and quicker to develop with, like Elixir, or else use Rust for the parts where stronger compiler guarantees are absolutely vital.

I was once working at a place which was heavily invested in CoffeeScript (at that time, the syntax and the handy sintactic sugar were awesome compared to what JS had to offer). A few years later after I left the company, I had a chat with an excolleague of mine and asked they if they have migrated to JS + babel transpilation. They didn't. As of today they are still working with CoffeeScript. It's a huge codebase.

I see TS just like CoffeeScript.

Typescript is amazing. I didn’t get it until I built a large project with it. Now I can’t imagine working without it. Every-time I join a vanilla JS codebase, I can’t help but notice the multitude of bugs and setbacks we run into that would have been avoided entirely had they used TS. And the productivity gains scale exponentially with the size of the project- just as the harm scales in vanilla.

Doing justice to the advantages TS provides would take a proper blog post though.

Is there a problem with CoffeeScript? I'd used it once and enjoyed it.

I've worked on a major project that went all in on AWS Serverless and all AWS latest and greatest, What a pain the amount of CDK code 1:1 to application code, Number of pipelines and speed of deploy abysmal. Dev experience sucked. In a rare one to one comparison we had to reimplement a major subset of the project as a mostly monolithic app running in a single container. (On prem version). Was done by 4 people in 2 month. Orders of magnitude productivity boost.

Yeah I've found CDK unnecessary complicates infrastructure and immediately creates technical debt.

AWS is just massively complicated these days. Do I use SAM, CDK, Cloudformation? Is API Gateway intended mostly for internal services? ALBs or ELBs? Is Beanstalk legacy or am I still supposed to use it? Step Functions or SWF? Sagemaker or Infrentia or Trainium? Which of the 5,000 fckn EC2 instances should I choose and why don’t they ever list the goddamn price?

> Which of the 5,000 fckn EC2 instances should I choose and why don’t they ever list the goddamn price?

It's a terrible sign when the first place people go to find out your products pricing is not you. This (formerly ec2instances.info) should be on a page on AWS somewhere https://instances.vantage.sh/

I only recommend cdk for situations where you have to dynamically build environments (for instance, user-configururable vpcs that include dynamic objects)... Basically situations where you'd need dozens of "conditionals" to overcome for-loop and linkage issues.

In most other cases, SAM or direct cloud formation is usually sufficient.

It's still an improvement over writing CFN templates by hand!

But not as simple and and easy to work with as terraform.

My company started from nothing on serverless about 18 months ago with a small team and now ramping up to several developers. Unlike the author, we're using more run-of-the-mill tooling (like AWS SAM) and more unit testing than integration testing, but the set up is otherwise very similar (TypeScript frontend and backend, a fully deployed version of the application per branch).

Our application has evolved from a simple API Gateway + frontend architecture to numerous asynchronous processes, dozens of integrated Lambdas, numerous S3 buckets and DynamoDB tables, third-party system integrations, cross-account integrations, etc.

It's been great for our velocity, costs next to nothing to run in development, and has been generally straightforward to refactor any "monolithic" parts into smaller, reusable, event-driven units. We operate in a very traditional industry and interface with much older style enterprise systems.

I wouldn't say any part of it is truly "magical", but the ability to give each developer their own fresh copy of the environment for each new piece of work at little to no cost is incredible. It's wonderful not having to concern ourselves with scaling each of our resources or worrying that they'll go down, as well as not needing the regular maintenance that comes with servers or containers.

Might be worth doing a write-up of a less "magical" approach. I've always found the magical setups a time suck (maybe with exception of ruby on rails and a few others).

It's great to see how others are doing serverless development. It's definitely not something you learn to do well overnight. I'm glad to see someone get past the learning curve and write about what works for them.

I've been experimenting with serverless for some time now and came to many of the same conclusions written about here. The biggest takeaway for me is that there are pitfalls to an overreliance on lambdas. You really need to offload as much as you can to the other serverless solutions AWS provides.

I've been using Appsync for my graphql API instead of API gateway + Lambda, and I have had a good experience with it. A lot of logic can be offloaded into mapping templates, making lambdas unnecessary in many cases. Debugging is still a bit of a pain for me, but the end result is fast, cheap, and reliable.

I hope people considering this architecture read this article and reconsider if they can build their applications using mostly portable services.

I'd be curious what kind of use-cases people have that makes this complexity worth it.

Using "portable services" is a non-cloud pattern and a return to 2008.

If you're not using managed services, i.e running your own database, backups and all - you might as well use bare-metal.

This is the way.

The only places I've worked at/for as of the last 2-3 years that don't heavily rely on managed services were an absolute disaster. A lot of "not invented here" syndrome. A lot of anti-patterns and janky hacks to make things work.

Currently working somewhere 100% locked in to AWS and I've never been happier.

There's a huge gap between "we assume there's a competently run Postgres somewhere" and being vendor-locked to AWS. Former doesn't imply latter.

Nothing wrong with bare metal.

Bare metal has higher fixed costs (mostly people’s comp) and lower marginal unit costs (per GB RAM, per TB, per CPU-second).

I think at small scale, I’d put nearly everything natively in the cloud (including every side project that has a network-connected, always on component). At extreme scale, most things should be bare metal. There’s a crossover point somewhere in the middle. For me, that crossover point is somewhere in the huge scale range.

Non-cloud pattern and 2008 are both unqualified issues.

That said, RDS is great. Managed, automated backups and portable.

> In isolation without impacting other engineers due to everyone having their own AWS account.

This is super interesting. I'm almost certain they mean AWS keys (with appropriate IAM permissions etc.,). Otherwise billing, developer onboarding/de-boarding and such quickly go out of control.

Back in 2015 at my previous company I had setup two AWS accounts, one for test stack and one for production. That in itself was quite a bit of pain.

Hey, author of the post here!

To manage our AWS accounts we use:

- AWS SSO hooked up to our Google Workspace: so no AWS access keys exist, everyone has only short-lived credentials (e.g. 24 hours) to access their AWS account.

- AWS Organization with consolidated billing: all our bills roll up into one nice invoice!

- AWS Control Tower: allows us to deploy guardrails and policies to keep all our AWS accounts secure. We also have a centralized Audit AWS account where all Cloudtrail logs are routed.

- AWS Account Factory: to create new AWS accounts that are automatically enrolled and created as part of the right Org Unit.

- AWS Cloudformation StackSets: allows us to deploy custom resources to everyone's AWS accounts. Right now we use this to deploy custom roles that can be assumed by developers.

Hope that answers your question!

Thanks for sharing the context! Looks like AWS have thought about use cases similar to yours and developed features. Will explore it more!

Don't know what they used but you can have linked accounts so the billing part is not a problem.

With separat IAM users you can still hurt each other as you share the same space for all the services, unless you make some pretty advanced access control rules I guess.

You can trivially resolve this with Organisations now, multi-account is incredibly common even within environments, it's a smart isolation boundary.

Which I think google does a bit better with their project model, but messes up with crazy permissions that don't let you (easily) edit things and the error messaging can be poor.

Use Org-formation to manage AWS accounts as a set of Cloudformation templates.

[1] https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/managing-aws-organiz...

I think that refers just to individual testing & feature development, not that different parts of prod get deployed to different accounts. There's (perhaps relatively recently) a 'sub-account' concept that perhaps with billing & {on,de}boarding? (Haven't used it.)

Terrible name choice:


Given their most obvious competitor is already ambiguously named and extremely popular:


Yeah it's a bit of a legacy name from our guide at Serverless-Stack.com but we've got some changes planned!

Reading through the comments one thing is clear: almost no one here seems to understand _why_ you use serverless implementations.

If your architecture follows domain driven design principles, you can build very large, complex, scalable, and maintainable systems.

Hey, author of the post here! Thanks for your comment.

Yes, you hit the nail on the head :) 99% of our code actually lives in domain packages that are infrastructure agnostic. Our lambda handlers are very lightweight adapters that take the input and transform it to a domain input and transform the output back.

That said, our serverless architecture does leak a bit into our domain thinking. E.g. certain things are built async since it's just so easy to hook up a lambda to listen to an EventBridge event.

I use them because, as a programmer, I don't care about operating system upgrades, disks becoming full, viruses scanning etc.

This reason alone makes doing serverless worth it, IMO.

The tower of Babel that "serverless" requires to do the simplest tasks (like running tests) should scare anyone. And yet... "We deploy to cloud and then shim calls via websocket to dev machine which then shims something else while requiring individual accounts with full prod access" is magical

does the word magical scare anyone else or just me? anytime someone describes their feature as magical it just means black box, undebuggable. nice while it works and then god awful when it doesn't

I used to describe most processes in Azure as "magical", and meant that word as dangerous. It worked like magic, which meant you had no idea how it worked. App Service Slot swapping was a good example of this, when several MS engineers couldn't explain how it worked.

Note how their docs don't give any technicals as to _how_ this tech works[1].

1. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/funct...

> Note how their docs don't give any technicals as to _how_ this tech works[1].

From the linked page:

> Update routing: If all instances on the source slot are warmed up successfully, the two slots complete the swap by switching routing rules. After this step, the target slot (for example, the production slot) has the app that's previously warmed up in the source slot.

To me those aren't technicals. Let's assume that by "routing rules" they implicitly mean IP Routing Rules. So what's swapped, the DNS name of the machines, the machine IP's are swapped or an insert into the ARP table? Does this mean that a live web-socket connection will swap to the new machine, or stay attached to the old one until flushed...

Hey, if you can make sense of it, sure, enjoy. I just know that we had a lot of issues when I used it last and would often beat our head against Kudo to try tracert to other devices to find the machine black-holing requests because the information wasn't shown in the Azure UI.

I've only used this feature with HTTP requests going to a function app, but my understanding was that there is a reverse proxy involved. I have an app with two slots, and both slot domains (<app name>.azurewebsites.net and <app name>-staging.azurewebsites.net) report the same external IP address. You can set up routing rules where a percentage of incoming traffic is forwarded to a specific slot, which would be hard (impossible?) to manage via DNS or ARP tables.

I don't understand what this means, can somebody break it down?

It's a Rube Goldberg machine wrapped behind simplified interfaces. As soon as things follow the happy path and the top-level interfaces cover your needs, it feels great. Once abstraction layers unavoidable leak, or you need to do something that was not catered for, you're venturing going down a deep labyrinth.

The OP is actually relatively simple and clean, though, compared to some other things I've seen.

yeah that was my worry but seems like it is based on CDK so perhaps you would end up hacking that layer but then I don't know really know and I would be gambling and I really don't like it.

I'm just amazed by how small problems are blown out of proportion to sell you an elaborate contraception....like a Rube Goldberg machine which is what this feels like.

what is wrong with just using SAM or aws chalice like we've always done? even looking at Laravel vapor (problems with cloudwatch logs)....all of it seems like a rube goldberg machine of sorts and this is why aws chalice has been my go to tool simply because A) it is written by AWS team B) it just spits out cloudformation, SAM, cdk C) stages like you are used to

"magical" here means sacrificing simplicity and overloading the developer with MORE rube goldberg machine on TOP of the stress from having to do "program in AWS" imho.

If you don't see the purpose of something adding complexity or abstraction layers, you most likely don't need it and shouldn't adopt it (yet). With the hopefully obvious caveat of some things relating to security, like firewalls and scoping capabilities. Start simple and look for solutions only once certain things become painpoints.

There was an post a few days ago about https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Chesterton's_fence

Which boils down to if you don’t understand why then don’t replace it

very very good principle. i have favorited. in case next time i feel like im drinking the koolaid.

also applies to the whole blockchain space.

And as always - just because it is not the right choice for you right now does not mean it is "bad".

On the flip side, consider a small team spending hours every week doing fully manual deployments instead of automating at least parts of that.

Different people and orgs have different needs, and those can change over time. Learning to strike that balance and timing right is a hallmark of a great engineer IMO.

> also applies to the whole blockchain space.

It applies to everything. Blockchain can serve a purpose w.r.t. the security I alluded to above. Security in general is a tricky one as once you realize it's a problem, it may be too late to reconsider.

Wow, the stack in the article feels like a ton of innovation tokens[1].

I hate to be an armchair expert, but I'll do my best to give the _counter_ opinion to "this is a model of a good startup stack".

If you're looking to build a web app for a business on a small team, some guiding values I've found to be successful (that feel counter to the type of values that lead to the stack in the article)

1.) Write as much "Plain Ol'" $LANGUAGE as possible[2]. Where you do have to integrate with the web framework, Understand your seams well enough that it's hard for your app _not_ to work when it receives a well formed ${HTTP/GQL/Carry Pigeon/Whatever} request

2.) Learn the existing "boring" tools for $LANGUAGE, and idioms that made _small_ shops in similar tech stacks successful.

3.) Learn $LANGUAGE's unit test/integration test framework like the back of your hand. Learn how to write code that can be tested, focus on making the _easy_ way to write code in your codebase to be to write tests _then_ implement the functionality

4.) Have a strong aversion from adding new technologies to the stack. Read this [1], then read it again. Always be asking "how can I solve this with my existing tools". Try to have so few dependencies that it would be hard to "mess up" the difference between local and prod (you can go a LONG way with just Node and PostgreSQL).

Some heuristics to tell if you're doing a good job at the above points,

1.) You don't have to prescribe Dev tool choices (shells, editors, graphical apps, git flows, etc)

2.) You can recreate much of your app on any random dev machine, and feel confident it acts similar to production.

3.) Changing lines of code in your code base at random will generate compiler errors/unit test failures/etc

Most every real world software project I've worked on in the SaaS world ended up with "complexity" as the limiting factor towards meeting the business's goals. When cpu/network/disk etc was the culprit, usually the hard part of fixing it was trying to _understand_ what was going on.

Plain may be very successful in their flow, but I'd say most everything in this article runs counter from the ideas that I've seen be successful in the past.

[1] https://boringtechnology.club/

[2] At our shop we'd say "You're a ruby programming, not a rails programmer, your business logic is likely well factored/designed if it could be straight-forwardly reworked into a rails free command line app"

At this point TypeScript is pretty boring tech, and using it on the back-end is an extra compilation step - with the benefits that brings. And it's easy to say use "boring tech", and in some cases it might call for it, but when you need to have applications/services communicating with one another, need high availability, don't want to manage infrastructure, there is an added value that cloud providers give you.

man this comment needs to be top, quite refreshing tbh from the constant cognitive overload we are used to as developers.

instead of innovation token I would call it attention token :) but seems people might mistake it for some crypto coin.

to me i think the reason this is rampant in the SaaS world is that many are burning through millions of VC money every month and they have to justify enormous valuations by inflating problems, creating solutions for problems that used to be solved by boring tech, and then marketing it to developers on social media which creates the illusion that if you are not on the gravy train you are somehow not an expert.

always fascinating to see just how much marketing and politics goes on consciously and subconsciously.

I think the insanity must end, soon enough. It feels like we're moving into a world where insanity and waste is exposed for what it is. Aspirational? Certainly. And I'm sure the pendulum will swing back and forth.

Just ("4: Have a strong aversion from adding new technologies to the stack.") is worth paying you a couple of grand for every start-up to be that reads this and follows the advice. Large numbers of companies absolutely drown in various stack components, sometimes multiple similar ones within the same tiny team.

I agree with all of this, but I've also have come to appreciate bells included packages like spring or django.

I'm currently working on a large Flask App. It really should have been Django from the outset. There's a different kind of hell in having the almost but not as good version of everything.

The argument on boringtechnology.club could not be more true. Simple tech stacks are always best

Vendor lock-in aside… azure has a very good experience for developing azure functions locally.

As hit and miss as my azure experience has been… azure function core tools, vscode, and azurite were excellent for purely local development.

Would help to know what exactly their product is. When you are building a crud type simple website / web-app this seems like a big overkill.

I am doing a lot of data-engineering and serverless is an absolute god-send. I have set up all our data-eng infra on lambdas and on aws-batch and I am super happy. The only issue is we have a lot of waste dressources on our always running Postgres instance.

I would love to hear more about your experience with Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL. The main turn-off for me is that it only works with postgres version 9.something.

Interesting read, but I think it exemplifies some of the problems people currently have with Serverless development. For the main population of people here on HN that have experience with deploying applications, this will seem like a lot of learning and effort to recreate an already positive experience they with whatever framework/setup they currently use to build applications. For new developers, it is now a mountain of tools and services they must learn, which takes away one of the selling points of Serverless as an easy paradigm to learn and start building apps on (hence the selling point of not needing to worry about how to setup servers).

With all that said, I am working on building a framework that I would describe to the crowd here as Django for Serverless. It is in early stages but you can check it out at https://staging.cdevframework.io/. One of the main focuses is to make it easier to write code that is not dependent on running on a Functions as a Service (FaaS) model, so that your code can eventually be bundled up and deployed on a traditional server when a FaaS platform becomes uneconomical.

Wow, the vendor lock-in with such a setup is incredible. Should AWS decide to ban you for whatever reason, your entire business is shut. It's crazy how people don't see that as a huge risk/threat.

I know a company (don't ask) that only uses AWS, yet for unspecified "security" reasons (all theatre) and to avoid vendor lock-in, they've built their own terrible implementations of services provided by AWS. Don't get me wrong, if you've got some good infra/sec people who can deploy and properly manage Vault, an entire observability stack, KOPS Kubernetes etc, good luck to you. But these guys didn't really have the chops to do this properly, nor did they hire sufficient people support and maintain each ball of crap when they moved onto the hobby-build. And they lazily avoided documenting anything, pretending that this was intentional ("documentation is code", except their codebases are sprawling spaghetti with very few useful markdown downs or comments). There aren't even any strict naming conventions. So basically it's incredibly difficult, complex, manual and scary to deploy a new data center, or indeed, even modify the existing ones. There are maybe 3 people in the whole company who gatekeep security access and change. I genuinely wonder if they had a race with the guys at Plain, who'd get their stack off AWS the quickest? My guess: Plain would win.

Sorry, I needed to vent :( But my point is, sometimes it's easier to avoid building the things that your team doesn't know how to build. And maybe you can't hire the right people to build it for you. If they're all comfortable with their severless stack, they're far better off than the other company I'm talking about.

Oh god is it Monday morning again?

Haha you know what, I've worked on tech stacks like you described. They were terrible, and all the original developers left the dumpster fire. But when reading the code, sometimes I would just smile, I could tell they had a damn good time writing the code. And yeah, it costed us a year to fix, but still, I would just chuckle when reading their abstractions. Sometimes, its just fun :)

Any examples?

If you consider that a huge risk/threat I can only congratulate you for running a business without real issues.

Yes, or you are running a business from a location that ends up being sanctioned for something out of your control.

hmmm actually I think parent does have a point seeing that we are seeing more weaponization of platforms the past few years. Say you have a specific view of reality that differs politically or labelled to be reflecting "propaganda" of specific states, interest groups, political spectrum.

Then yeah AWS or any US stock exchange listed, centralized cloud host would be deemed a platform risk but for majority of us it is not an issue.

Nevertheless I am cognizant of the political risks translating into various platform/financial issues for such groups but it's always been this way when new mediums of information exchange are introduced. Perhaps a short time during the early days of the internet such idea was a reality but we've gone far past that, regulators and political interests have caught on and it would take a very robust , decentralized and scalable mesh network to pull it off successfully.

> Should AWS decide to ban you for whatever reason

If this is one of your concerns maybe you should rethink what you're doing.

Working at a multi-billion dollar company we don't have those worries, so we're 100% in on AWS.

I mean it's a real threat, but I can count on one hand the number of accounts I've heard of aws locking out, but don't have enough appendages to count how many Google (gcp) accounts have been locked out.

Vendor lock-in is a real thing, but vendor lock out is usually a vendor issue.

An even bigger risk than being “banned” or losing your account would be mundane things like pricing changes that break your business model or the discontinuation of a service your product relies on at a deep level.

Makes me wonder why AWS hasn't released a "next gen serverless", where things like endpoint urls (with CORS config), cron-like scheduling, and so on are built-in without having to cobble them together.

They did accidentally release documentation about "Lambda Function URLs" at the end of last year, and then pulled it back. So perhaps some of that is coming.

Serverless Inc. makes a similar attempt for this: https://www.serverless.com/cloud

The issue I have with this article is that it sounds too good to be true. All pros, and seamingly no cons. Either the authors are embellishing it a little bit, or don’t want to think/write about cons a lot. Or both. I wish they balanced things a little bit more.

> Using so many services involves a lot of configuration, permissions, and infrastructure that needs to be developed, tested, and deployed.


This seems to be a lot of post-hoc rambling to justify why a suite of serverless tools were elected, rather than posing a problem seeking a solution. The conclusion does not follow from the premise.

For example, before a satisfying answer on why a serverless implementation is better, the article delves straight into tests, and how things are complexified because the serverless architecture means more hinges, glue code, moving parts which now need to be tested. Since this particular serverless interpretation involves relying on Cloud as a Service, a hermetic local development doesn’t exist, and so they build a solution around interactive serverless development.

This article is a solution seeking a problem. Many of the solutions here seems like caveats of pursuing this serverless stack, rather than a feature. This is enlightening and useful to know what’s needed to get a fully integrated serverless DevEx, but it doesn’t motivate why people should elect serverless versus a monolith.

> We need to make sure that the few engineers that we do hire can make the most impact by delivering product features quickly while maintaining a high quality.

> This meant being able to run our services at a scale at a low cost without needing to have a whole department just looking after a homegrown infrastructure.

> as well as how we’ll be able to build a successful business in the next 5 to 10 years without needing to do foundational replatforms

All these points can be true with a monolith. If anything, these points make a monolith seem viable.

There’s been article posting around of using Postgres as a hammer for everything. If anything, vendor lock-in to server less platforms will likely involve replatforms in 5-10 years.

> serverless applications. One of the main differences is that you end up using a lot of cloud services and aim to offload as much responsibility to serverless solutions as possible

This contradicts the desire to avoid replatforming.

> Having personal AWS accounts allows each developer to experiment and develop without impacting any other engineer or a shared environment like development or staging. Combined with our strong infrastructure as code use, this allows everyone to have their clone of the production environment.

Again, I’m not sure how this is a feature. This adds another incidental complexity to debug. Engineers may have different permissions and roles. Alternatively, if the engineers are going to have the exact same “environment” as the deployed environment, then the individual accounts don’t provide much value.

> full-stack TypeScript ... The ability to move between the frontend, backend, and infrastructure code without having to

This is an orthogonal concern to serverless.

> developer features... this In isolation without impacting other engineers due to everyone having their own AWS account.

This is orthogonal to serverless. In fact it barely seems like a concern of infra. If local environments exist, developers can just have their own local development branch in Git. They can also test and deploy in separate remote branches. Here, the problem was created because local development is against live services.

Typically these developer blog posts are intended to evangelize the company. Personally I find many red flags in the company culture. Seems like a fun and cool place if you want to try out the latest and greatest tech trends, and have a chance to scratch your own engineering itches. But if you care about job security, you’d want to understand what is the business impact of all this research and development?

I don't know their product well enough, but do they not have a website? Or the need for a single persistent server? How does one run an entire non-trivial application just on Lambdas?

Hey, author of the post here!

A website doesn't need a server! You can host your website assets on a CDN and all of it's then loaded without hitting any of your servers.

Our architecture roughly looks like this: - React application hosted on Vercel - AWS API Gateway routes API requests to Lambdas - The Lambdas then read/write data from RDS Postgres, DynamoDB and also maybe publish events to EventBridge. - We have many smaller Lambdas that listen to events happening on EventBridge and do other things, such as sending notifications, etc.

I think if you're able to be build a non-trivial application with microservices then you're also able to build one just on lambdas.

Use lambda as the control plane over s3

For personal projects I have used Serverless Framework, and I have no qualms about the experience as a developer.. though they're not huge projects so things may vary with those.

"Magical" represents the extremes at both ends of the spectrum:

> "Good magic decomposes into sane primitives."


> "If it _isn't_ composed of sane primitives, steer clear."

This feels more like the latter.

Men will conceive complex manual and philosophical workflows and theoretical all-in-one SDKs just go to avoid going to Heroku.

> The ability to move between the frontend, backend, and infrastructure code without having to learn a different language is invaluable to every member of the team.

I'm actually quite skeptical of this claim. Learning a new language isn't really a big deal unless you are using relatively "esoteric" stuff like clojure or datalog which really require an experienced consultant to train your team.

With AWS Chalice, we've been able to ship production scale code (for govcloud) in Python without any one of us breaking the environment by simply using separate staging. We were able to get PHP/Javascript developers to use it with barely any downtime. In fact it was more or less appreciated from the clean and simple nature of Python right from the get go.

This feels like way too much engineering from the get go. Here's my workflow with AWS Chalice and its super basic (I'm open to improvements here).

- checkout code from github

- run localhost and test endpoints written in python (exactly like Flask)

- push to development stage API gateway

- verify it is working as intended and this is when we catch missing IAM roles, we document them. if something is wrong with our AWS setup (we dont use CDK just simply use the AWS console to set everything up once like VPC and RDS)

- push to production stage API gateway

All this shimming, typescript (rule of thumb is > 40% more code for < 20% improvement through less documentation and type errors, only really valid in large teams) separate AWS developer accounts seems overkill.

The one benefit I see from all this extra compartmentalization is if you are working in large teams for a large company with many "clients" (internal and external). you are going to discover missing IAM roles and permissions anyways and is part of being an implicit "human AWS compiler trying different stackoverflow answers" since you are locking yourself into a single vendor.

Some positives I see are CDK but if you are deploying your infrastructure once, I really don't see the need for it, unless you have many infrastructures that can benefit from boilerplate generation.

Happy to hear from all ends of the spectrum, serverless-stack could be something I explore this weekend but there's just so much going on and I'm getting lot of marketing department vibes from reading the website (like idea to ipo and typescript to rule them all) and to top it off going to https://docs.serverless-stack.com/ triggers an antivirus warning about some netlify url ( nostalgic-brahmagupta-0592d1.netlify.app) what is going on here???

Wow that antivirus warning on the docs is super weird. It's just a very simple docs site deployed through Netlify. Can you send me a screenshot of what you are seeing? I'll need to dig into it: jay@serverless-stack.com

hi jay,

seems like the issue has been fixed since but it was quite strange. my AV would not let me load the website (similar to how it blocks some websites) as it would detect that netlify address, if you could investigate this that would be great.

will follow up with an email when i get the chance.

Yeah I'm going to send this to the Netlify support. Thanks for the details!

serverless-offline (https://github.com/dherault/serverless-offline) is a great tool to use for local development of serverless applications.

It's not a complete mirror image of what you get but it's close enough in my experience.

The main problem I see when writing integration tests to assess infrastructure correctness is that they don't take into account architectural decisions.

You could very well use those integration tests to write Architecture Fitness Functions (which is implicitly what part of the test do) but having developers write those functions instead of architects risk the architecture decisions not carrying over to those tests.

For small use cases like this (s3, API gateway + lambdas, sqs, sns, elasticache) which although having many moving they come together more or less cohesively (they all depend on each other for a single feature), if your use case grows, by having ETL jobs, more async workloads, etc... You can start having issues with architecture tests not really covering all bases.

Regarding leaking so much cloud abstractions to the developer, I am not really sure what to make of this. I think the arguments of cognitive overload might well be valid, however a basic understanding of the target infrastructure is necessary for the developer to build applications effectively. In this case I think it works because they go all in on leaking abstractions, going as far as to provisioning a separate account for each developer. What won't really work is to have abstractions built upon abstractions to make developers think they are using the cloud (by emulationg the stack locally) when they aren't actually using it. So in this case being consistent is more important, either don't leak any cloud abstraction or go all in.

Off topic: Why doesn't AWS Lamda support PHP?

It's the epitome of a "serverless" architecture.

For a professional product, my preference would be build as a standalone app, package as a Docker image, bake an AMI and deploy to a vps in an auto scaling group with elb in front, or if in a large org with platform team, kubernetes. If you need other AWS services like SQS fine, it’s only deployment/packaging we’re talking about

Development/deployments is so much simpler and for a business with money, the price difference is negligible. You can dev/test locally, not to tied to a provider, essentially just another boring web app.

However for personal projects I’ve been playing with Sererless out of interest to see if it’s ready yet, and instead of paying $10-20 a month for a VPS I pay fractions of a cent.

I develop my Lambda as a monolith application, not a lambda per endpoint. I’m told this is an anti pattern…my take is I’m just using lambda as another compute deployment target it’s fine. I use hexagonal architecture so my app knows nothing about Lambda which makes unit testing easy.

Next I wire up a very thin adapter layer that takes the Lambda request json and converts it to the required value my app needs for routing. This is at the very edge of the app. I like to use this design regardless of lambda, I can swap out any web framework easily, even build a cli frontend for testing with minimal effort. In the context of lambda, using hexagonal architecture means I can bin Lambda, replace it with a standard web framework and deploy as a standalone app with minimal effort if I need to.

With the lambda in place I have a Cloudflare worker as the entry point to the lambda. It takes a request and forwards it to my lambda. I use a Cloudflare worker as it’s cheap/free (generous free tier) and I get a cache at the edge. I’ll use Cloudflare pages or s3 with Cloudflare in front for static assets.

I use Lambda for the app instead of Cloudflare workers simply because I want to interact with DynamoDB/S3 and I can manage permissions better inside AWS with IAM. I also want to use Rust which has very fast Lambda execution times and I had a few issues with Cloudflare workers wasm which I lost interest in figuring out as only experimenting. As I’m fronting with Cloudflare I’m also extremely dogmatic on cache headers from the lambda and propagating them to reduce calls to the origin/lambda.

The end result is reasonable performant. It’s fast but not the fastest as expected with the hops/latency, it’s extremely cheap. A small pet project may be single digit cents if even that. It’ll also handle large volumes of traffic, easily, without worrying about provisioning issues.

However, I have to jump through to many hoops to get what I have, more than what I’d like to do on a professional project. The orchestration is complex and it feels like what I save in $$$ I pay for in slower dev time jumping through hoops to get the absolute lowest cost. I enjoy this stuff and it’s a personal project done for education, still, I’d be hesitant to go this way for a real payed job as interesting as I find it.

Also pay as you go is great when it’s costing fractions of a cent, it’s also terrible in it opens you up to a new attack vector, DoS’ing your service which has unbounded pay as you go services then waking up to very large bills. Always build in rate limiting for services you use with on demand pricing.

Guess the site has been hugged to death.

>You might be thinking: isn’t that expensive? Won’t we be paying hundreds of dollars to AWS? Nope—not with serverless solutions! The genuinely serverless solutions are all pay per usage, so if your AWS account has zero activity, for example through the night and weekend when engineers aren’t working, then you won’t pay a dime. There are a few exceptions to this, such as S3 storage, DynamoDB storage, RDS storage, Route53 hosted zone, etc. costs, but they tend to be minimal.

>For example, Plain’s January bill for our 7 developer accounts was a total of $150—pennies compared to the developer velocity we gain by everyone having their clone of production. Typically, the largest cost for each developer is our relational database: Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 PostgreSQL. It automatically scales up when it receives requests during development and down to zero after 30 minutes of inactivity.

I don't understand this at all. If "7 full production instance cost $150" then your application is tiny and you don't need 15 AWS services. The storage costs alone should far exceed that for large application. If a $150 production instance is "scale" then we're lost as an industry. If you application is this tiny, Just. Use. A. Server.

> If "7 full production instance cost $150" then your application is tiny and you don't need 15 AWS services.

Did you miss that this is oriented around serverless? It doesn’t mean their application is tiny, it just means they can scale down a long way. Which, given that they are using serverless, is unsurprising.

Sure, if you are talking about dedicated EC2 instances or something, then a $150 “production” instance is tiny. But that’s not the situation here. $150 for developer load on serverless doesn’t correspond to $150 for a full production service.

>Did you miss that this is oriented around serverless? It doesn’t mean their application is tiny, it just means they can scale down a long way. Which, given that they are using serverless, is unsurprising.

DynamoDB and Amazon Aurora are serverless storage solutions but you still pay for the data you store. It is highly surprising their total production storage cost is less than ~$21. For reference, a few terabytes of data in DynamoDB costs thousands a month.

> few terabytes of data in DynamoDB costs thousands a month

yeah we found out this the hard way. have you found an alterative to this? seems for us the biggest uncertainty is storage space since it is user generated and we have "unlimited" guarantee that we unfortunately need to grandfather.

also curious nobody is talking about this for many small bootstrapped developers, this would be a no go.

the only alternative I can think of is a hetzner dedicated box or a fleet of vps from DO or Vultr with S3 compatible API (not sure if such solution exists ).

Where did they say their production storage costs $21? The $150 bill is for their developer accounts.

> It is highly surprising their total production storage cost is less than ~$21.

You misread. They didn’t say this.

It's still a meaningless number, because there's no reasonable way to map this to production cost.

Why does that make it meaningless? They were describing how much it costs to provision a full environment for each developer. That’s a meaningful number by itself.

have you considered case when developers need to not only clone just AWS infrastructure but storage as pre-requisite? In this scenario you would multiply your storage costs by the total number of developers.

This is a monstrous misassumption by Plain. For instance when I was trying to work with Bitcoin chain data, I would be looking at close to 1TB worth of data that I needed each time to replicate the complete application and the bill was something like $500 just to keep it in EBS.

So with 10 developers, we would be essentially paying somebody's salary and I wonder if the problems listed in this article is so critical that it would be worth that much.

If you do plan to be hosting 1TB of data in EBS for each developer then yes, this approach is probably not right for you and you should adapt it! It's not a one-size fits all approach.

The vast majority of developers don’t need a 1TB working set of data. This isn’t a “monstrous misassumption”, it’s a perfectly reasonable assumption for typical cases.

Also, it doesn’t cost anywhere near $500 to keep 1TB in EBS.

Hey, author of the post here. Apologies if the wording wasn't clear, but these are our developer AWS accounts, i.e. not production workloads. I was just highlighting that everyone runs a copy of the production infrastructure and since serverless is "pay for usage" we mostly only pay for when developers are firing in the handful of requests they do during development.

None of our engineers have so far managed to generate gigabytes of data or millions of requests like our production account :)

I think he is saying that each developer have their own environment with full production like architecture. There are benefits to having each developer running in their own sandbox, with full freedom to deploy breaking changes at any time. Besides storage, costs are usually 100% variable based on use. Each developer may not have a full replica of production data, as with TBs of data, storage cost might get expensive. Many serverless designs are impervious to the size of dataset, with sharding and auto-scaling, so the performance and scalability risks of running a subset of production data during development are typically minimal.

I'm confused as well. How can you run an RDS instance alone for 7 people for $150 a month? Let alone the other infra? You probably need a VPC on each account, with a NAT Gateway, which easily costs $20/month or so.

VPCs are free. NAT gateway is unnecessary. It costs about twelve dollars to run serverless PostgreSQL for a month, assuming a forty hour workweek.

They mentioned that most of the services are on-demand pricing, that’s why it’s cheap for a personal instance. Production presumably costs much more due to much higher usage.

I hate to say it but this is doomed to catastrophic failure once this pile of spaghetti reaches critical mass and velocity slows to molasses.

Part of me thinks that we have reached the tipping point where all cloud dev tooling needs to be thrown away and we need to start over.

I had the same feeling when we reached the pinnacle of complexity of Windows programming with COM/DCOM/ActiveX/.NET/WinForms/Silverlight/Visual Studio... All of that felt like necessary progress. Yet, a simple script piping text output into a browser via CGI felt like a breath of fresh air. We need this for web development now.

I believe wasm can be that. A static file distributed to the edge with near-native computing capabilities. A lot less infrastructure to manage.

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