Just wanted to say I love the style of your blog (especially the little diagrams), and am looking forward to future posts in the ECS series.
Also, I've played around with the mach-glfw-vulkan-example project (https://github.com/hexops/mach-glfw-vulkan-example) and really enjoyed using it to learn about Vulkan, so thank you for your part in that!
I think you make a good case for WebGPU, and am excited to look through the resources you shared – and the future of mach!
Also, I've played around with the mach-glfw-vulkan-example project (https://github.com/hexops/mach-glfw-vulkan-example) and really enjoyed using it to learn about Vulkan, so thank you for your part in that!
I think you make a good case for WebGPU, and am excited to look through the resources you shared – and the future of mach!