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> There are few things in life that I am more serious about than this. I dedicate ~48 hours/week to my dayjob, and ~50h/week to Zig building Mach and running zigmonthly.org. After three years of aggressively pushing for progress in this exact way, I have no plans to slow down anytime soon.

This is really awesome work, and if keeping this pace works for you all the better. But I just wanted to encourage you to keep any eye on that, and to make sure that you're not pushing yourself beyond what you're able or willing to put into it. I know many members of the open source community can struggle with that balance, and that many of those people would also rather you building stuff like this for 1/5n hours a week for the next 25 years than n hours a week for 5 years and burn out your interest or capacity. Thanks again for building this project, really cool to see!

Thanks :) I'm in this for the long haul and will keep this in mind.

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