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The coding used by this survey is a joke. If 40% of an occupation says they work outdoors that's below 50% so it's bucketed into the work from home category on that criterion. I think if even 20% of a job is saying they work outdoors that's pretty strong evidence you're missing some information about what the other 80% are doing in their job that prevents it from being a work from home job. The net result of their setup is obviously a vast overestimate so take the 37% number with a grain of salt.

Couldn’t the job still be performed at home with the occasional on site? I’m thinking of a construction PM. The job could mainly be done at home other then when needed to meet GC on site. Seems like there is still WFH no?

That’s why the “entirely at home” from the study’s highlights is an egregious conclusion from its methods.

> I’m thinking of a construction PM. The job could mainly be done at home other then when needed to meet GC on site.

I’m sure all the blue collar construction workers would totally respect the PM even more than they do now if they didn’t show up on site…

There is an awful lot of privilege going on behind the scenes in these WFH debates.

Seriously. If the PM isn’t on site doing some basic QC .. then are they really managing a project?

Depends what you're using the WFH number for. If you want to extend it to an argument about being able to live substantially further from a job then needing to meet a GC on site some of the time is a dealbreaker. I think it's fair to say to call the job as a whole a WFH job it needs to be 100% remote. That's not to say non-WFH jobs can't have some remote time.

My office has people who live across the country and work 95% remote, and hop on a few flights per year when they're needed. Is that not WFH?

> I’m thinking of a construction PM.

The construction we've seen recently had a PM, and they were on the site about 20-25% of the time. Parts of their job can be and should be done in an office (or from home), but I can't imagine that they wouldn't visit the site regularly while keeping the quality and the schedule goals...

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