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Show HN: A daily newsletter covering the space industry (payloadspace.com)
14 points by aml183 on March 22, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Hi everyone; longtime HN user here. Me + my cofounder started Payload last year to cover the space industry, from seed round to SPAC and beyond. Our first (and primary) product is a daily newsletter covering the business and policy of space. It's free and it takes ~5min to read.

We raised a $750k seed over the summer (https://www.axios.com/winklevoss-twins-payload-business-of-s...). We've already covered nearly 10 recent YC alums and members of the current batch, which I think is a pretty symbolic sign of the times. This industry is at an inflection point.

Sign up and let me know what you think. All feedback welcome.

I check this every morning. The best part is the contract announcement section imo. You can get a feel both for the pace of the industry and the changing customer base at a very concrete/low level after a couple of weeks of reading just that section.

The best space newsletter with the best people. I wish I could upvote again!!!

Mandatory morning read

been reading the newsletter pretty consistently over the past few months - great tool to stay up to date

Finally a good source on space from business lens, the industry has really been lacking- love reading every morning for my talking points

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