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Tell HN: HN is not the first result for “Hacker News” on DuckDuckGo
13 points by behnamoh on March 20, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I'm sorry for my misunderstanding, but why is this interesting or important? news.ycombinator.com comes up as the second result just under the first one + at the side box, so it's not hidden or anything -- just some small difference between DDG and Bing/Google? Sorry, I'm just confused what interesting point am I missing... :(

DDG uses Bing https://www.bing.com/search?q=Hacker+news , but the bigger question may be isn’t second result good enough? You have very divergent definitions of “hacker” between people here and most of the rest of the population. Maybe most searches for hacker news actually want news about computer hackers? And knowing which one you mean takes context about who you are… the exact thing ddg is trying to get away from I think.

Must be the case with all Bing-based search engines.

Anyone have the technical reasons? Would guess it’s structural (URL, title tags, H1).

Looks like a good ranking of results to me.

Lack of SEO? A meta description would be a good start. Currently the generated description is:

Hacker News new | past | comments | ask | show | jobs | submit: login: 1. IRCv3 spec round-up 2021 (ircv3.net) 64 points by buovjaga 1 hour ago | hide | 15 comments: 2. Various ways to include comments on your static site (darekkay.com) 26 points by darekkay 47 minutes ago | hide | 13 comments: 3.

It shouldn’t even be a popular website in the first place. Shady founder, shady company, poor product that abuses the user’s trust. you’re not helping the situation by advertising it for free.

> you’re not helping the situation by advertising it for free.

I disagree. the point here is that DDG misses what "hacker news" really is, not advertising a website.

What are you talking about?

Gabe is a great person I’ve followed for a while now.

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