Self-driving cars substitute for human-driven cars, which currently kill over a million people a year. If the first mass-adopted self-driving cars have half the fatality rate per mile of human-driven cars, then slowing their rollout by a day causes 1,800 deaths. Current prototype self-driving vehicles already have a lower fatality rate per mile than human-driven vehicles. Obviously this isn't an apples-to-apples comparison since current self-driving cars are constrained to certain locations and weather conditions, but if the goal is to minimize deaths, then we should be more gung-ho about this technology than we currently are.
In contrast, CSAM scanning substitutes for... I'm not sure what. In addition to the risk of false positives, there's also the risk that the scanning technology will be used for other purposes in the future. I could easily see governments forcing Apple to scan everyone's hard drives for hate speech, 3d models of prohibited objects (such as gun parts), or communications sympathetic to certain groups. Once that door is cracked open, there is no closing it.
>Obviously this isn't an apples-to-apples comparison since current self-driving cars are constrained to certain locations...
It is much more worse, current so called self driving cars have human drivers that intervene most of the time and saved the idiot AI from crashes but Elon will not count this near crash as an actual crash.
>but if the goal is to minimize deaths, then we should be more gung-ho about this technology than we currently are.
We should maybe try to maybe to also do the obvious quick fixes at the same time?
it would be much cheaper instead of forcing AI cars on people to force say a drunk/tired/talking on the phone detector , enforce better driving tests before giving licenses to drivers, put a tax for vehicle mass toe promote less heavy cars, enforce speed limits with tech. Do you think Bob will prefer to be forced to buy an expensive self driving car to reduce the car crashes stats or better to buy a safety device(black box) that he must install in the car.
In contrast, CSAM scanning substitutes for... I'm not sure what. In addition to the risk of false positives, there's also the risk that the scanning technology will be used for other purposes in the future. I could easily see governments forcing Apple to scan everyone's hard drives for hate speech, 3d models of prohibited objects (such as gun parts), or communications sympathetic to certain groups. Once that door is cracked open, there is no closing it.