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Did he really get into a plane with 100 fever and COVID?

Imagine fleeing from an active warzone (or a place that is about to become an active warzone) and the first thing people react to is having a fever the day before flying.

Yeah, I understand it's a concern that the virus might continue spreading by that action, but if I felt like my life was on the line (eg: not going on a random vacation), I think I'd do the same thing, even if I had COVID.

You can’t shut down the world for 2 years to prevent people doing things just like that then suddenly handwave them away and expect people to not be bothered by it.

You can't just spew your opinion all over the place without taking into consideration the context as well.

Ukraine in a normal state: Yes, don't fly anywhere if you have COVID.

Ukraine while being invaded by another country: Yeah, lets get you out of there. If you have COVID we'll work around it somehow, as we want to save lives, which is the whole point behind COVID restrictions in the first place.

Covid variants have gotten less deadly over time. At some point you need to let people travel, and without judgement from a war zone.

It’s easy to judge from our ivory towers but this is survival. Chances of surviving covid is much higher than surviving a rocket.

I am amazed this has to be explained. Ivory tower indeed.

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