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The hurdle of moving everything to a new sim could be a hassle, but being locked out of services tied to your number and 2FA is pretty debilitating. Continuity is the main reason I use Fi

Moving what to a new SIM? Smartphones store contacts in the phone and cloud, not on the SIM card. If you’re going to live overseas and need a US number get a phone that supports dual SIM cards.

Most of the newer iPhones support either two nano SIMs or built-in eSIM plus physical SIM. Takes a few seconds to set it up.

TOTP 2FA (Authy, Google Auth, etc.) does not need cell or internet, it’s time-based. SMS 2FA is harder to accommodate, for that I suggest a US number with Twilio that you can forward to any number in the world.

> Smartphones store contacts in the phone and cloud

Whenever I set up a second sim on my iphone I lose most of my contact details so somehow they seem to still be tied to my sim?? (I have no clue)

That’s something you can control, look it up and get your contacts moved off the SIM card.

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