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The arkenfox user.js can also do this for Firefox.


Contrary to what LibreWolf claims you do have to sacrifice usability though, including WebGL, DRM, Firefox Sync, autofill, history, and the occasional breakage. With arkenfox there is also letterboxing, and even more breakage. If you set uBlock Origin to the recommended medium mode you usually still have to whitelist third-party scripts to make websites work.

>WebGL, DRM, Firefox Sync, autofill, history

These considerations rely __HEAVILY__ on your browsing habits.

I've been using librewolf for quite a bit and only two sites required webgl (to use them I simply had to toggle webgl.disabled in about:config which I find acceptable since I've never had the need to use them after that occasion).

I do not visit sites that use DRM (I used to use Netflix but their service sucks so much I'd rather pirate stuff)

There are extensions to sync browser data with e2e encryption.

I find password managers are more usable than the builtin manager of the browser.

History has always been an annoyance more than a feature and I'd disable it either way

This is just my opinion, try it yourself for a couple of months and see by yourself if it's something you'd consider daily driving.

I actually use arkenfox and uBlock Origin at medium mode. I meant that normal people would find this setup inconvenient. In any case there are tradeoffs involved, and the benefits are not always obvious. It depends on your threat model. I would argue that most people don't benefit from a setup like this.

Replacing a core functionality with an extension is not obviously beneficial either when it comes to privacy or security.

I went from LibreWolf to arkenfox a few months back. I like the idea of having a vanilla FF installed and applying the arkenfox rules to a profile, with a few personal tweaks. The LibreWolf flatpak had a few quirks that Firefox did not have.

I now prefer a browser without any history and cache and make heavily use of the bookmarks and adding exceptions for specific sites that should keep cockies between sessions. I can use the address bar to quickly find a site that i have bookmarked without having the results cluttered by search suggestions and years of history.

Regular Firefox’s autofill is so terrible that I sometimes think that a complete removal would be a usability improvement.

I always disable all of this, use bitwarden to autofill creds and CCs only.

Unfortunately it's true :(

What's wrong with it?

It seems to generate an effectively unbounded number of copies of my address, some correct and some wrong. The UI to manage it is hidden and very minimal. The obvious options like telling the autofill my address once, correctly, and with no further automatic guesses are absent.

My general assumption is that, if I let Firefox autofill my address, it will insert portions of my address into various fields at random, biased somewhat but not very strongly toward getting them in the right place.

What address are you talking about? I think I've only used it for username/password fields, and I've been using it for two decades

The autofill feature that tries to autofill things like shipping addresses. As far as I know, it’s entirely unrelated to the username/password autofill feature.

Thanks for this comment. I guess I’ll continue paying the disable Pocket, download installer ID, and other cruft of bad policy costs to continue using FF because Sync is too useful for Bookmarks and plugin auto install to discard.

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