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> Replace "public domain" with "CC0" and it's a fair point. OSI hasn't approved CC0

From https://opensource.org/faq#cc-zero

> CC0 was not explicitly rejected, but the License Review Committee was unable to reach consensus that it should be approved, and Creative Commons eventually withdrew the application. The most serious of the concerns raised had to do with the effects of clause 4(a), which reads: "No ... patent rights held by Affirmer are waived, abandoned, surrendered, licensed or otherwise affected by this document.". While many open source licenses simply do not mention patents, it is exceedingly rare for open source licenses to explicitly disclaim any conveyance of patent rights, and the Committee felt that approving such a license would set a dangerous precedent, and possibly even weaken patent infringement defenses available to users of software released under CC0.

So it's more that there are concerns and nobody has cared enough to fully resolve them to arrive at a clear answer. It's also not like the CC licenses are commonly used for software so this is not surprising.

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