Hello HN, I've been at my current company for the past 15 years. I've taken on different roles where I started as a software engineer, before being promoted to lead, and then to staff engineer. I know my current company by heart. I know how to get things done. I know who to talk to and how to talk to the right people. I know the processes of my company in and out.
I decided to get out of my comfort zone. Try something new, I told myself on and on for the past 3 years. And I finally did it. I'm changing jobs.
I'm going to a new company, where I'll be doing something slightly similar to my previous role, but in a totally new field. I don't know anyone there. The people seem extremely friendly and fun to work with. This is what I felt in the hiring process.
It feels like I forgot how I got good at this. Technically, I have no doubts to get things done. However, on the people level, I have no clue how to get started. How do I make "new friends" at work?
What do you usually do when you switch to a new company? How do you go from the "new clueless person at work" to "oh hey Mike, I'll need your help this afternoon"?
1.) Learn names.
2.) Avoid tribes at first. It’s tempting to latch onto the first group that welcomes you, but try to avoid this. For at least the first few weeks, focus on developing superficial relationships with lots of people over deep relationships with few.
3.) Find the cool. Starting something new often triggers something like mourning. Give yourself space to mourn the old, but force yourself space to find extremely cool things in the new place. You’re closing one door and opening another. Hunt the cool! It’s easier to do this if you form lots of relationships early on.
4.) Everyone is shy.
5.) I got to know two types of cops’ kids:
- “The place I lived two moves ago was the best.”
- “Whatever town I live in now is the best.”
Guess who had an easier time making friends.
6.) DIY. Your new town might suck and the place you lived last move may have actually been the best town on earth. It got that way because people had ideas and did it themselves. You got the idea from someone else so 5% of the hard work is already done…:)
7.) Once you’ve been the new person, your most important task is to always help new people.