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Just for famous paintings, apparently. Surely the article could have showed off more than just that?

I guess there was a single mention of a Havanese dog.

For what it's worth, I just tried this with a contemporary painting I own that's not famous but sat least came through the gallery system and it was recognized

Edit: it just gives me a link to https://www.artsy.net/artwork/mark-andrew-bailey-ingess It does not present any information like artist, size etc in the iOS interface when showing this painting, just the link. Still pretty cool.

Just tried it on my pup, a triumph! https://imgur.com/a/bpkSTuu

Those results are certainly interesting from a geopolitical perspective. It looks like there's an internal mapping of Tibet -> PRC?

'What have I told you about chewing my shoes and getting embroiled in geopolitics?'

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