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If you look at some of the contortions that e.g. C# has to go through when evolving the language, due to numerous ambiguities between <> used for types and <> used in expressions, I think it's still a very sensible choice.

Square brackets in go have their own parsing issues (see my original comment). I haven’t found much discussion on how any parsing issues were resolved (presumably any issues needed resolution for backwards compatibility?).

As an outsider it appears to me that the choice for square brackets has been made mostly for stylistic non-technical reasons, but perhaps politically that would be difficult to rationalise to the user-base! Making whitespace significant before comparison/shift operators (matching the gofmt layout) surely solves the stated practical issue of lookahead parsing; although I admit many language geeks would say significant space characters were an ugly solution.

To agree with you: there is a really good discussion on the downsides of <> here —https://lobste.rs/s/fmcviy/language_designers_stop_using_for — certainly square brackets are used for generics in other languages (Scala, Python, Nim, Eiffel).

Regardless, the point is moot, given that the syntax is now concrete!

> then by the same token <> is also easy to confuse with comparison operators

Not really, given that comparison/shift operators are not used in types, whereas [] is used in types. Perhaps go-lang wanted to reserve angle brackets for constraint operators a la Scala <: et al. </wink>.

Disclaimer: I have little experience with generics or language design. I am just very curious if there is a divergence between the stated reasons for the design, versus any unstated reasons.

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