None of those are actually any good. I installed the Travelocity app, and after fighting with the keyboard to select the airport from a dropdown, I got a javascript error that rendered the app useless.
Phonegap has nothing to do with form inputs, and is used to access native phone functionality (camera, address book, location, device information etc).
I'm building mobile app with HTML5/CSS3/Backbone.js/PhoneGap and it's an excellent stack that allows you to build native-like apps for multiple OS's. Everyone I've demo'd the app to has no idea it's not written in Obj-C..
You're absolutely right. I've spent hours debugging strange form input behavior related to quirks in Mobile Safari / UIWebView which are hardly Phonegap's fault. It really comes down to optimization and ironing out all of the wrinkles, though it can be a bit painful since most mobile browser quirks aren't well documented online.