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Pi Formulas, Algorithms and Computations (2009) (bellard.org)
98 points by h2odragon on March 14, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 27 comments

Apologies for the bad link.

Also: https://github.com/philipl/pifs


> Every file that could possibly exist? > That's right! Every file you've ever created, or anyone else has created or will create! Copyright infringement? It's just a few digits of π! They were always there!

How about prior-art for Patents? Every invention is already written in Pi!

FYI for those unaware - Bellard (the author of the article) is also the author of ffmpeg and qemu.

And tcc, and quickjs, and tinygl, and...

Honestly his output is insane in terms of both quality and quantity. There's a list of his projects on his homepage (https://bellard.org).

this guy is the epitome of computer science (along with Knuth)

With a nod to fellow pi-hound Dik T Winter, three equal lines of C give 32k digits of pi:


brilliant method of embedding his name in the code without wasting lines for comments

“…signed by Dik T Winter”

You can grep the web for Dik's original version. The 3-line homage version I linked contains both his full name and the name of the algorithm used: "spigot" (as in spew, faucet), which itself contains the letters PI. In addition, this version outputs exactly 31416 digits of pi. So it's triple self-referential. Happy 2022.03.14 pi day to all.

Which spigot algorithm is the 3-line version using exactly? (I did some untangling of the code in limited time, but it's still pretty cryptic.)

The original pi/spigot work was done by Rabinowitz & Wagon [1]. See also the very readable works by Jeremy Gibbons [2] [3].

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spigot_algorithm

[2] https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/jeremy.gibbons/publications/s...

[3] https://seminar-materials.iijlab.net/iijlab-seminar/iijlab-s...

In layman's term, how did one discover this series which generates the pi digit patterns?

Judicious use of lattice reduction techniques such as LLL [0] or other integer relation algorithms, like PSLQ [1].

The basic idea with LLL is that it's a sort of generalized Euclid's algorithm. Euclid's algorithm can be made to find the smallest integer relation between two numbers that sums to zero (efficiently). You can generalize Euclid's algorithm to more numbers and to use vectors instead of base integers, except now the "divide, take the integer quotient and subtract" becomes "take off the integral component of the projection and subtract, then swap entries to try and make progress".

Lattice reduction techniques give a polynomial algorithm to factor polynomials with integral coefficients (does the polynomial factor into other polynomials with integral coefficients). To use lattice reduction techniques, you set up a "lattice basis" that has successive powers of pi (pi^0, pi^1, pi^2 etc) up to a certain accuracy and then tries to find an integer relation between them. Once one is found, it's checked to see if it actually equals pi by other techniques.

For an introduction to LLL, I've found Chee Yap's book to be good (see chapter VIII) [2].

Plouffe has a little bit of history about the discovery and how Bailey and Borwein muscled in [3].

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenstra%E2%80%93Lenstra%E2%80%...

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_relation_algorithm

[2] http://160592857366.free.fr/joe/ebooks/ShareData/Fundamental...

[3] http://xahlee.info/math/Simon_Plouffe_pi_formula.html

>> Lattice reduction techniques give a polynomial algorithm to factor polynomials with integral coefficients (does the polynomial factor into other polynomials with integral coefficients)

Wait, are you saying factorization of polynomials is in P? That doesn't feel right since factoring integers has not been shown to be in P (yet).

Yes, that's what I'm saying.

Factoring univariate polynomials with integer coefficients (that is, seeing if a polynomial with integer coefficients has smaller degree polynomial factors with integer coefficients) is in P [0]. Factoring univariate polynomials over the integers has known to be in P since the 1980s (since LLL came out, which is one of the major reasons why LLL was developed in the first place).

Integer factorization is still currently unknown to be in P or not in P.

If you see how to use polynomial factoring to factor integers, please let me know.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factorization_of_polynomials#F...

A simple derivation of such formulas is given here


The idea is you begin with an elementary integral that yields the underlying constant, such as pi, and then accelerate its convergence by using a polynomial.

Ramanujan-like pi formulas can be derived similar to the Fabrice Bellard one, but with an inverse cosine instead of elliptic integrals. Visually, the formulas look like the Ramanujan pi formulas, but the derivation is elementary and it computes pi, not the reciprocal of pi. The Bellard and Simon formulas use inverse trig functions as well. I think he uses arctan.

Lots and lots and lots of experimentation (experimentation on paper) and looking out for clever ways to find parts of the equation-at-hand that cancel each other out, so that the resulting notation is hopefully as short and practical as the equation is good at being accurate.

This is like a weaker version of master to main.

What is the fastest algorithm to find a given substring in the digits of Pi?

It depends on the range of the index and how often you want that data.

If the position is below 5 trillion, you might want to calculate them once with Bellard's software and use that data.

Brute force

E: if you want to have reliable, consistent results that is

Depends on what you call brute force. I think what one should call the brute force method is either the approximation by inscribed and circumscribed polygons (https://www.geogebra.org/m/BhxyBJUZ) or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leibniz_formula_for_π, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madhava_of_Sangamagrama#The_va...

The much faster algorithms known today still require lots of force, but I wouldn’t call them brute force.

If the search string is long, it might even be faster to not generate each digit, but use (a variant of) Boyer-Moore to do the search (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyer–Moore_string-search_algo...)

I guess “long” would have to very long for that to be profitable, though.

There also is no known algorithm to do that that is known to terminate (if π is normal, they would, but we don’t know whether it is)

Bad SSL cert on the www.

Work on: https://bellard.org/pi/

If the mods could fix the link? Maybe a @dang does summon them.

This may be some sort of elaborate trolling on his part.

Fixed, thanks

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