>> A bottom-up (topologically sorted) computer science curriculum (a depth-first traversal of a Thing graph) ontology would be a great teaching resource.
>> One could start with e.g. "Outline of Computer Science", add concept dependency edges, and then topologically (and alphabetically or chronologically) sort.
Re: Phonemic awareness and Phonological awareness,
> What are some of the more evidence-based (?) (early literacy,) reading curricula? OTOH: LETRS, Heggerty, PAL:
> Which traversals of a curriculum graph are optimal or sufficient?
> You can add https://schema.org/about and https://schema.org/educationalAlignment Linked Data to your [#OER] curriculum resources to increase discoverability, reusability.
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24527589 https://westurner.github.io/hnlog/#comment-24527589 :
>> A bottom-up (topologically sorted) computer science curriculum (a depth-first traversal of a Thing graph) ontology would be a great teaching resource.
>> One could start with e.g. "Outline of Computer Science", add concept dependency edges, and then topologically (and alphabetically or chronologically) sort.
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_computer_science
>> There are many potential starting points and traversals toward specialization for such a curriculum graph of schema:Things/skos:Concepts with URIs.
> https://westurner.github.io/hnlog/ ... Ctrl-F "interview", "curriculum"
OpenBadges as Blockcerts for Q12 competencies